
She's got a bust Career, man. Take it easy, she'll have time to Party with the dudes in a few weeks.

That album has been on my mind lately. Good stuff!


What's the weather like in Brussels?

Not liking 9/11 makes you a Nazi.


Fuse was Rick Neilson's Band before Cheap Trick. I'd watch the fuck out of that channel.

How much air time will be devoted to pouting and whining about Donald Trump? At least half, right?

That's like when a Record Company idiot asked Eddie Van Halen why the band was called Van Halen and he said "Cause it's my name".

Pete Holmes is a good guy. I just used Scientology to erase the memory of his TBS Talk Show from my mind.

Wait a minute, Deadheads are assholes, right? Why would it be a surprise that . . . Oh, any excuse to throw a fit, huh?

Whether I am popular or not does nothing to make that a funny joke, ron_crummycountry.

No more pictures of that guy. It might be a good Show and he might be a talented guy but there's no reason to have pictures of him here at the AV Club.

Dumb Girl

Oh, you are killing me. Oh. Breitbart. Oh.

Ha. He's calling my Mom a Lesbian! At a web site where putting down Lesbians is WRONG! Good One, ron_!

Ha Ha, I'm not a liberal so I read Breitbart all the time! You sure got me there! Ouch!

These returns were already released a long time ago. There was nothing new on her show tonight at all. You can say a lot about Maddow and MSNBC but I don't think they have ever pulled as crass a Carny stunt as this before. Fucked up!

Please explain her actions tonight if I am so stupid - Why did she do that?

I found it on You Tube. The title is "The Story Of The Undertones". I've always Loved them and they turn out to be really nice people. It's a great experience if you are a fan.