
Thank you for identifying the point of your post.

Oh, sorry. I'm not as into these things as you are, I guess.

It cost the Taxpayers less Money than a Party with Beyonce, The Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift, and a bunch fuckin' Basketball Players.

Oh, the right side of history bullshit. History ain't SPORTS.

It's really gruesome. And we have to list to Yeltsin yell in agony for what seems like an hour.

You're a stiff.

Are you talking about the investigation that was just announced this Week? That's about Financial dealings, not the Ailes sexual harassment claims.

Any President has people who take care of things for him. It's called a "Staff".

No, I don't. Most of the things they want to do won't happen.

Yeah, the second one is someone who knows how to do things.

When you're taking questions from people who want everyone to think everything's going badly, yeah.

Hey, remember when people who have one position alway say people who don't agree are stupid?

Hey, remember how when Politicians do fucked up things their stupid flunkies think it's really great?

Hey, remember when Obama tried to throw Fox News out of the White House?

I continually attack Hillary Clinton because everybody here worships the piece of shit as some kind of Goddess. I don't put down Trump as much you think I should because whining and bitching about the dumb bastard is all that happens around here. It might help if you put down Trump for things he is doing in Reality

Hey, you added some stuff to your post. It was better before.

I don't support a goddam thing.

Kimmell's going to get one with the Oscars.

What I support?

Selling "Access" is where it's at.