Only if you explain why you gave both Blade Runner and The Thing one and a half stars.
Only if you explain why you gave both Blade Runner and The Thing one and a half stars.
Didn't "Queen" used to be slang for flamboyant gay men instead of flamboyant straight women? Darn these youths and their constantly changing lingo.
Uh, you're supposed to grab your crotch after you say that.
I'm suggesting he may need to expand his client base as dead people don't work much.
My mom is a dermatologist and recently kicked out a patient after he told her in the exam room that he was carrying a gun that he said he wouldn't take off. On the way out he told her that ISIS was coming and that she'd was going to get beheaded.
Which is the why the True Patriots at Wal-Mart are selling guns as essential back to school accessories. As we all know, more good students with guns is what's needed to stop a bad student with a gun.
There's a gun in that photo that costs $149.99. Something that ends human lives is the same price to purchase as a Nintendo 2DS.
Like all Wal-Mart clothing it will fall apart around 10 minutes after leaving the store.
Holy shit,I can't believe that's Drew Carey. Is there something about hosting a game show that makes one inevitably look like Merv Griffin?
Was your cafeteria pizza cooked on the warming glow of a heat lamp like mine was?
Really? What do they use then?
Stouffer's French Bread pizzas were always my go-to in high school. They obviously tasted better baked but they also came with a Hot Pocket-type sleeve so you could microwave them if you were starving.
Fun fact: in French and Spanish the same word is used for "avocado" and "lawyer". I bet those agricultural litigators get into all sorts of wacky conundrums.
For extra lunacy, "Fire and Fury" is a line from fucking Warcraft that came via Bannon (who invested in Warcraft). So we're all gonna fucking die because some dipshit told another dipshit to use ad copy from a video game.
He's very luck he didn't meat his maker.
Tombstone pizza is merely a half-step above the inedible cardboard dreck that is Jeno's.
Jeff Bridges IS David Lynch in The Elvis Costello Story!
I've suspected that it has something to do with the rights to BSG. Space Mutiny apparently straight-up stole their scenes so maybe the MST3K crew thought they would be cut from their broadcast?
Considering 1/3 of his clients are dead and another 1/3 has a dead career he may want to do less sexist ranting and more agent things.