Amy W

TV-addict Telly freaked me out so badly as a kid. Then again, everything freaked me out as a kid so I'm probably not a good judge here.

She had a short actual-several-tweets-back-and-forth conversation with me on Twitter once and I kind of died.

My daughter's still in the target age range, but I think I enjoy the show more than she does sometimes.

But was it? Are you sure you're not comparing the best and the brightest of yesteryear to the average person of today?

I do hope they continue to subvert the trope instead of giving in to it. I like that Skye genuinely hates him, and she should continue to do so!

Oh, because I was going to say I thought Sally and Flo threw some general how's-the-town-looking banter around in Cars, too, but I didn't know the requirement had to be MEANINGFUL conversation. Thought it was just "talk to each other." Which is not substantial, yeah, but I thought it was supposed to be the bare

IS it? I mean is it dark flower-print? I agree that it's important character information.

That's just bad character development, period. If you're going to fill your cast with bland types, a little ethnic diversity is at least a step UP.

It was interesting because you can so tell it isn't one of those interviews where the interviewer's bias shapes it. Instead you can tell she was NOT expecting him to answer her questions the way he did at all. She comes just short of replying, "Wait, WHAT?!" a few times!

Nah, I interacted with two of them and I could tell there were definitely two different minds behind them. They just have a lot of canned responses to use. I did a reference-librarian chat service for awhile and we had a lot of canned responses to use, too. But I personally thought it was easier most of the time to

I've been wrestling with Comcast customer service for a few days now. My first interaction was with the online chat service, and the representative kept pasting canned responses about how they pride themselves on customer service and I kept thinking, "I'd rather she just GIVE me good customer service instead of

I admit I haven't seen Lawless in much, but I really liked her in this. She felt like a fully-realized character, and I was sad that she won't be back. Although who knows with this show.

Yes. All that.
—signed, another one who's been there

I definitely imagine the character will show up again someday.

I would so watch that. I could even watch it with my kids, which is nice.

Yeah. It always felt like it was Gus vs. Malvo, Molly vs. Lester. I was frankly just RELIEVED when Gus got 'im. I was more let down that Molly wasn't more directly involved in getting Lester.

My local oldies station plays reruns too, and I had it on in the car this morning!

I grew up on both, and was vaguely aware that it was the same voice, but somehow never made the connection that that was because it was the SAME PERSON until I was an adult.

Yeah, maybe I should have put that in quotes or something. :)

I thought he'd just end up in prison up until about Episode 6. Then I think he crossed a line he can't get back from.