Dickhead Killjoy

Now that is true, she definitely no like freedom.

You already cut me earlier this week! I'm still healing.

Emoji Movieā€¦in 70mm? It's the only way to see the Emoji Movie, Pickle.

Because friendship.

Microsoft Paint? Is that why they were gonna kill it? If so, seems overdue, no?

You can't escape. It's all around us.

We talking baby gherkin or like, jewish deli godzilla pickle?

The pickle was inside him the entire time!

Aw, cool, I been looking for an idea for a huge back tattoo. Jackpot!

he died on the way back to his pickle planet

how long before trump throws pickle under the bus?

*Bruce Vilanche sweats nervously in the corner*

Laser LED? That's a new one by me. Sounds like hokum!

Ahhh, don't hit me again, gamma, it's my birthday for crissake!

Well then, you don't support your child 100% then.

Blasphemer! Get the rod, Bosephus!



whaaat, what's wrong with a raccoon/chicken hybrid resto? Thems good eats.

Smells fishy to me.