Dickhead Killjoy

'nother week, 'nother shitty period piece show

Maybe it's cause I'm getting older, but…by golly, Amy is looking very pretty.

Science checks out.

Yeah, that is what I was thinking. She barely looked at my skin and her reaction when I asked about a derm was kinda weird. There is fairly large scandal up here in Canada regarding prescriptions presently. Bit of hanky-panky pay-for-play going on, apparently.


We remember.

Holy moly, I did. See? It's just that easy.

who need copy edditors, fucc 'em

Eh, it's bad but I like it. It fascinates me.

Yeah, it's just over-the-counter antifungal cream I'm trying now. So far so good.

I mean, Mike Huckabee is a horrible human being, but at least looks like a jolly fellow. She's always got this perma-scowl going. Terrifying.

*puts on super dark sunglasses*

i remember those. holy shit were they terrible.

There was a hand job in that? Think I might have to see it.

Goddamn GE or Philips i betcha.

3D cup n' ball or no go!

The jazz was coming right at me!

$25k for a bulb? Wtf is that. Aren't they using LEDs now these days?

Dr. Strangus with the dang dangus!

I'm so unimpressed, girl