Dickhead Killjoy

the Baconator could make it work.

Blood, blood, and more blooooood!

That won an oscar, so you can't criticize.

Found a vhs copy of Tap in the garbage the other night. Score!

Hitler mustache?

If I am not mistaken, Stallone is suing a studio over Demolition Man due to similar circumstances. It may or may not change the industry.

Sounds like black magic to me. Burn him at the stake!

This, this is a good idea. Do like a Linklater "Sunset" series.

the bleak shall inherit the earth!

…he said, fully erect.

Always. Watching. Judging. Waiting for the right time to strike!


was a joke. you fell for it, silly jimmy!

Cheap, probably.

Fucking pets is still legal in some states.

Story. Of. The. Year.

You done did it better.

The Kevin Bacon.

Oh, no doubt. It's become a lifestyle that can be applied anywhere.

boomer wanking, fuck that noise