Dickhead Killjoy

Oh man, forgot bout those. Hot garbage indeed.

Fidget spinners, E. Fidget. Spinners.

Does this look infected to you?

And that's that. Nice!

where's the russ meyer

watched Body Double the other night. Fuuuuuck that movie, holy 80's hell

*barfs acid on cig*

*looks down, notices fly is open*

But but your honor…

ho-ho-holy shit, fuck those people, wow

I saw it in theater and on a plane. Just didn't do it for me at all. I was even annoyed by Goggins, who I generally love.

I can't wrap my head around the love for Prestige. Perplexing!

Ohhh man, Ladykillers was rough! wtf happened there

Fair, fair. Inland should have never been released, really.

no Lynch love?

Wanna talk about a decline in quality, yeesh

Well, only time will tell, so…great theory!

I've stayed in worse hotels.

Izz ok, we're all in it together

Man, she was looking tight & right in that, too. Yowza.