
It's like where do you even see many shows with perfect 22-episode first seasons?

I think he can pull it off. He's pretty adorable but he is getting older so that adorableness is going away. He's very JGL on 30 Rock From the Sun.

You totally missed out on the opportunity to convince them that you work there and almost create a movie.

If those two ever got a movie or show together, I'd watch the hell out of it. Danny would probably benefit a ton out of it.

Danny and Alison were the cutest this episode. I can't even call them by their character names because the episodes reminds me so much of the Vines of them on set having fun. Their scenes are basically them doing their behind-the-scenes shenanigans on-screen. IT'S TOO ADORABLE

He's asleep. I think mostly painting paintings but different mediums are fine. He said that Moebius is his favorite artist.

It's about time, by the way.

It's not a competition!

Do you have face blindness?

It is truly amazing that collectively we can achieve the feat of watching sharks hang out in tornadoes.

Half of Sharknado 2 and I'm finishing the rest tonight

Too true, mon frere.

Here's looking at you, kid.

This isn't gonna work out.

Spazziness has been one of the sexiest things for me since the 5th grade.

You don't know me.

I am covered in cake and I spent about 10 minute eating cake with my bare fingers before gagging and making a little hill out of cake pieces. It goes without saying that the cake I was baking was not a success.

Hey, you have to also start worrying about the my siblings now that I'm pretty sure they're both sociopaths. Thems crazier than me.

I've been getting super confused on the days of the week too lately.

Whoa. Stop right there. Listen, this is just a game—just a pretend simulation on the internet. It’s not healthy for you to be having thoughts like this. Revenge is never the answer, okay? People will hurt you and make you feel small, but you’ve just got to rise above it. You can’t let your anger define you. Just let