
I cleaned poop on the underside of a toilet and you all did not.

Maybe it'll operate like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire with almost all the doctors up in the operating theater solving questions with buzzers and the other 10 or so doctors applying the solutions to the test subject. That would be fun to see and it might actually be more practical than trying to rotate around 150 in a

Happy early Half-Birthday to me.

I feel old now too. Although, I do watch a lot of VH1's I Love the… and I used to listen to a radio station that played old and new adult contemporary songs. So I have a good enough grasp of pop culture of the nighties, I think.

As @WalkingNPR:disqus coined, MISCLASSIFICATION BUDDY! I don't watch any of these shows and I don't ever plan on watching them. It's weird how I got Drama when I barely ever watch or enjoy straight drama shows. Hannibal and Orphan Black come to mind and that's pretty much it.

I would say get the police involved but that might set him off even more. Oof. That's a real conundrum. Stay safe.

Sounds exactly like the kind of person that might shoot up the place someday. It probably won't happen until he gets fired and his wife leaves him. Of course, I'm going on movie logic here.

You have my fullest sympathies. I hope he doesn't kill you.

Stop talking about Creepypastas without me. Also, my favorite is The Russian Sleep Experiment.

I like how Brian Van Holt has been/will be guest starring in different shows (Cougar Town, Community) via tablet person. It's not a new thing in TV but it's not common for the same person to do it more than once across shows. It brings about some interesting theories, such as: What if Brian now lives inside a tablet?

The way that Lisa treats the news of her mom getting cancer is insane. It's like her mom just came down with a cold. You could have replaced "breast cancer" with "cold" and the whole scene/arc would have made more sense.


If you're not busy, I'll be on Skype early cuz im bored


Sour cream and garlic

It didn't make me cringe that much. I just laughed a lot. My favorite part of the whole thing is when Mark got his beard shaved and Johnny mumbles the word "Babyface," and later I read that the only reason the actor shaved his beard was so Tommy had an excuse to call him "Babyface" in the movie. And you can tell that

This is most I've cringed today and I saw The Room for the first time.

I keep telling you that I don't have a fax machine.

Have they made a movie about him?