

My favorite part of the episode. I was trying to look up the gif the second I saw him do that expression.

I don't know what you mean.

Smokiness reminds me a lot of Ecuador. Someone in my family told me that it was because people lit their trash on fire all the time… so I'm not sure if that's true at all since it came from a family member.

Screech owls like to tear off the head of mice and pull out the innards from the head-hole. It's actually pretty cool to watch.

We are now on a watch list.

Wait, is that supposed to be cum or spray? I always thought she was saying "cum." My world is breaking down.

I am disappointed in Joe's actions.

Britta's red and black moto jacket is from Gap. I know because I bought that for my cousin for Christmas.

East Coast racists

I need to start watching Pushing Daisies. It was one of my favorite shows but it was hard to catch on tv because my parents and I usually liked to watch telenovelas and there was only one tv around.

I sort of liked the premise of the show at first. A comedy-drama show about a quirky girl who's now a zombie. But then the second promo I saw revealed that she uses her Zombie-ism to solve mysteries and I was all OBVIO QUE NO! Who started the whole "I'm a self-aware zombie who eats human brains and retains their

I don't mind it because I'm a big The Ring fan. There are still questions unanswered about Samara's abilities. I think the explanation for that as of now is that she is just realllllyyy evil. Getting an inside look into her home life would be fascinating. I only saw the sequel once so I'm not sure if they went



Women be shoppin

I'm a lurker…. Between the sheets


I see gold/brown lace and half blue and half pink dress. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that I'm partially colorblind. My eyes are pretty bad. I can't see anything other than the big E on eye charts without glasses.