
It probably looked like it.

Your face.

Bongoes knows what happened. I got an allergy attack at the store (well, it started on the car ride before) and my eyes were watering and I had to go to the bathroom to get a tissue. I think I phrased the statement above a little weird.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how weird is it to see a woman cry at a Babies "R" Us store?

Cashews are the worst! My top three are almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios.

Like two weeks ago I saw a clip of him talking about Hannibal and he said his schedule is really packed and if they manage to find time to film Hannibal, he'd love to do it.

YOU'RE SO OOOOOOLD! Have you grown taller because last I heard you were like 5 ft but that was 1-12 inches ago.

Happy birthday, Narrator! How old are you, by the way. Last I heard you were 15, but that was like 1-3 years ago.

First off, everyone needs to watch Unedited Footage of a Bear. It's pretty good. Second off, if you go to the website that it directs you to, you can click on the house and (SPOILER ALERT?) take a tour of it. Initially, I thought there was nothing much to it, just a semi-creepy thing that happens twice throughout the

Happy birthday, you groovy hipster

Damn straight, pig fucker.

I also watched Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time tonight. Like 3 hours ago.

I think he's keeping some of his lines written on a sheet kept down his shirt or something. He keeps looking down for some reason.

SOO many emotions.

So, in news that only Latinos care about:


Oatmeal, no raisins.