
Are you going to post the picture? I have to do some analysis on it.

Or bite anyone's ass

I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I am always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I always do. I broken always do. I always do. I always do. I always

Happy Barfday, spthen

I love worms! I haven't tried them but the How to Eat Fried Worms story made them sound good.

"Are you a Big Birdie now?" sounds like something a creepy uncle says. Also, thank you, ugne.

How do those look? Either amazing and insane or sad and… sad.

Remember The Tell-Tale Heart?

YAY! Birthday! Oldness!

60 here

Happy birthday, My Name is Alex! Birthday wishes to birthday boy, birthday wishes to birthday boy, birthday wishes to biiiiiirrrrrthday boy. Birthday wishes to birthday boy. (Now, no one can sue.)

Too many spoilers spoils the flash.


The same time Carly Rae Jepsen was admitted into all of us.

Everyone should do one of these for their birthday. Mine would probably include North Carolina being admitted into the US and Carly Rae Jepsen.

Happy birts, Tereglith!