
Stop. Pooping.

The Rolling Stones (but barely)
I don't like either
Candy, right? Are they chocolate or something?

I'm pretty sure when someone fantasizes about a family member giving birth, you should call therapist quickly. I don't even think we ever talked about actual sex in health class. I had a few days of Health in elementary school and they talked about puberty and menstruation for girls. For boys, puberty and wet dreams,

Kk. hi

I'm confused to what you are referring to. Also, who am I?

They never gave me a sex talk. I received Southern-style health classes. And I can't just whip it out whenever like men. I am a lady!

A straightjacket is a special hug-yourself jacket.

Mommy and Daddy's special hug:straightjacket::sex:masturbation

Wait. I read that as "nap." :-(

Hey! I take naps!

It's to early to masturbate.

You guys need to talk more. How am I supposed to procrastinate if I don't have anything to procrastinate to?

Community. Literally just Community. Everyday I switch up which character I decide to pretend to be. I live in a mental hospital.

I think they're going with Candyman. Thank you all for your contributions.

That sounds like the opposite of what should happen. You eat a mushroom and you feel fine, but next thing you know, your therapist has you slicing off your own face.

I've received word from my friend that her viewing partner would like a "big scary bad guy" to be featured as well. Why her viewing partner is a 10-year-old, I do not know.

Where the fuck does health insurance come in?

My friend wants to know what horror movie she should watch tonight. Her only request is that it has to be a good scary scary film.

Do I have to look at safety standards for each cart?

Is there like a sports car go-kart? Can I get one of those?