
Are those tracks on ice or tracks made out of ice?

Is that the one with the little go karts? I think I played one of those games before. Those are so haaaaaaard. I kept falling off stuff. Why is everything so slippery?

Eat my grits, Trebek.

Child Kidnapping

I'M TAKING THE SYSTEM DOWN! Damn those fat cats.

Whooo! How much money do I win?

I've never been to Disneyland or World but… Tea Cups.

I got confused and thought that the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids playground was a tiiiiiinnnyy playground that you peered into and that was the attraction.

First of all, he really pops.

You see "butts" everywhere.

David doesn't like those silly pet names and going to the vet. He requests that you cease this habit of yours.

I accept but only if I get paid in anti-itch cream. Cuts out the middleman.

Awwww. Why not? You're already a huge Nazi

He's so adorable!…. *clears throat* He is a very handsome young man.

6. That corpse in the closet isn't pregnant either. Not from lack of trying.

Well, time to re-record everything.

I don't need to go now. Sometimes I need to pee when I get excited.


Just like one of the last times we were about to reach a milestone, I WILL NOT use the bathroom until we reach 20K… Dang. I kinda wanna go now.