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    I think that has more to do with the two oldest kids at least progressing a little in their lives (college, actual jobs Sue tries at and is not handed) and when they have come back into the picture it was a bit more seamless than what MF has done. As far as Brick goes, I think his charm lost its appeal once he got

    The way the parents always let Brick be an idiot or irresponsible and then bail him out yet act exacerbated the next time he repeats the same scenario has always bothered me. Maybe it's because my parents would have never held my hand like that and I would not do the same for mine. At some point you have to let the

    A freshman schedule and Alex, I would presume, would be taking some sort of advanced or honor classes would typically have a full course load. With that said it is plausible to have a light day. However, like stated above no one else had kids around so was Claire just making that up to get her daughters involved?

    I think he was addressing the kid with the glasses next to him.

    I loved Jay's interaction with the teacher. "Can I get out of this by pretending to be racist?" and "We are already playing it loose on the tern volunteer".
    Feelings table? My kid would be out of that class within the hour.
    The Gloria I'm a new American ya I get to be on the jury it's my civic duty is a tired and worn

    Sigh, long for the days when this show had some energy and creative humor. Sad the final season has for the most part just been phones in and now has little if anything to do with fantasy football and most episodes seem like an aimless running out the clock throw shoot some scenes and call it a day.
    Where is Ruxin? He

    Go Linda, got to your babies. Mort and I are leaving!

    Shot across Linda's bow!
    Say mommy - daddy
    Say mommy - daddy
    Fine change your own diaper!

    Agree 100%. I will admit when I first saw the promos when the show first came on I thought it would be stupid but figured, I'll give it a chance. Been hooked like it's crack since. There isn;t a character in the family that really rubs me the wrong way (Louis my favorite), each has their own unique character trait

    The turkeys in the toilet, and then everyone wondering why Bob threw them away
    "Why is everyone suddenly wanting the turkeys from the toilet?"

    True,but it wasn't in that condescending learn the true meaning of Christmas garbage you typically get.

    I think the reason why I always love Halloween episodes and typically groan at other holiday (Xmas, Thanksgiving) shows is that Halloween is all about spooks, monsters and over all fun with candy. Not about learning a lesson, learning to love your family and appreciate what you have in life. There never really seems

    Full Bars was probably my favorite. Nothing cracked me uo more so than Gene " Ahhh!!! It's Helen Hunt!!"

    We all knew the events in the house were staged to scare Louise. But what I liked and was surprised was how Tina and Gene were in on it and didn't let on that they were (given Tina's previous stage errors and fright).

    I love when Homer rolls to safety out of Moes car only to be rolled right back into it and off the cliff.
    A decent Moe story with plenty of laughs.

    No thanks. Her character went from being a text book wife to an over controlling, shrew. Less of her is good.


    Who would honestly waste their time watching a "debate" with a bunch of lying, hypocritical windbags (REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY) in the first place?

    Who wants to go shopping for a new mother fucking planet?!?!

    Episode = meh