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    The adult swim promos after the show were hilarious. The Rick and Morty withdrawal hot line stating operators - scratch that! Pre recorded messages standing by. LOL

    Agreed, that would be too convenient a plot line to just have her get home sick or not handle the big bad school. If anything I think the story line for her will be going from the top dog in intelligence to finding out she is either just above average or nothing terribly special to begin with. I think her

    Anyone else notice the lack of Gear Face at the wedding?
    Over all a good episode which wrapped up the season nicely int he dramatic sense and a cliff hanger. I am glad the promos for the episode did not give any of the important details away, we all thought it was just a wedding. And this episode makes clear why Rick

    So what would you do if your wife shot you in the foot to get out of seeing your granddaughter's soccer game? Granted I get not wanting to watch soccer because … well it's soccer and the only thing more mind numbing than that is CSPAN but still…

    Alex has proven before she cannot handle the threat of someone who may be more in intelligent than her and she cannot handle pressure or adversity. Her smugness, ideally will result in a quick reality check if the show continues to feature her.

    Ugh, once again the very first line from the Alex character reaffirms my dislike for that character as a whole. Even if she is hating on her douche hipster brother.

    Ruxin, as evil as he truly is still makes me laugh the hardest because his character has stayed true throughout the series. Thankfully Taco was less annoying and more harmless stoner and not once mentioned his EBDB. The rest of the cast was there, a few jokes here and there. The manufactured safe sex condom scene

    Less hack programming like The Daily Show would be best for everyone.

    True, but Morty was being more of a follower with the vampire issue. When Rick shot Summer down Morty followed along, then when Rick showed up at the school to kill the vampire, Morty was all for it.

    You are obviously missing the point so I'm done with you. I wont spoon feed you all day, troll if you want, I just ignore.

    I watched the first, maybe three episodes before giving up on this show. Felt like they rushed the plot along too quickly rather than fully exploited the isolation and shenanigans he could have had as the ONLY man on earth. Plenty of flashbacks could have been used to progress the comedy.

    I typically do not enjoy the "what if?" alternate fates episodes … with that said getting it from the children's perspective was actually pretty decent.
    Did this episode have a lot of knee slapping laughs? No not really but it did demonstrate the adolescent perspective on how their parents came to be followed by the

    An episode that went through the cliche motions without taking any real risk.

    You are comparing a show later at night on cable to a prime time network series. Yes R&M would not be on network TV at prime time. Look at how watered down the latest Simpsons are compared to the classics.

    I meant to defend the episode, the reviewer talks about it as a flaw. I believe you misinterpreted my meaning or I wrote it incorrectly. I was suggesting that it was great to see them back to basics and Rick acknowledges this right in the beginning of the episode, probably by the mixed reviews the season has had

    I brought that point up on a South Park board and got skewered for it. Then people, besides personally attacking me for questioning it tried to tell me that if it were live action should we take the message seriously? Honestly, these shows are designed around comedy, satire and poking fun and everyone and anything.

    I personally loved it. Jerry is this show's Meg (Family Guy) or Andre (the League), the only real exception is that his character is routinely fun to watch and capable of leading the joke.

    I would wager that was almost a verbatim conversation of the writers/creators had with their parents or children.

    Morty attaches to those story line like a 15 year old boy on his first set of titties.

    Season 3!!! We have just hit the tip of the iceberg and I would wager Beth gets more storyline after having flashes to start the season and then falling into the background again.