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    if this episode has a flaw, it’s how familiar this whole routine is getting - This was directly pointed out by Rick when he tells Morty they are "Back to the
    basics after a mix bag year", how true thus far.. I especially enjoyed How Rick
    is so excited to see the purge, then gets sick because it’s grosser than he

    The biggest thing in art and especially comedy is that if you are going to poke fun at others you have to be willing to take some yourself. Sadly, for many its all all too familiar "I can dish it out but you know I can't take it" scenario. Look as Issac Hayes from South Park, he supported the show and made jokes

    Money often supersedes convictions. How many people have you seen have an ideology that is easily molded when finances are brought into the picture?

    This was an ingenious episode that thankfully was made before the PC culture took a firm grasp on society. The best part of this episode is that numerous characters got to have spot light jokes rather than just be accessories to the Simpson story line.

    I would agree, a little here and there is fun but especially the past two seasons it just got to be way too much and not even funny most times.

    Only if Manny can accessorize his outfit properly and figures he wont ruin his shoes.

    Maybe the show will pick up now that the Alex character will appear less. Her superiority complex always bugged me. People who are intellectually intelligent and feel the need to constantly remind you of the fact always rub me the wrong way. Not to mention outside of her book smarts she was pretty useless and easily

    Man I remember when these comment sections used to make social and political jokes rather than a genuine debate that sucks all the fun out of it.

    The wife is a controlling nag. She is not watching to be sure the house does not get destroyed. She is watching to track his movements and essentially big brother him. I would tolerate that for about zero seconds. If she can't trust him when she is away there is no reason for them to be married.

    Exactly, this is more of a woman who needs to have compete control even when not there. If my wife acted like that, she would be gone. I am a grown ass man and I am not going to walk on egg shells in my own house or fear having my friends over. Not to mention if one of my friends wife tried to tell me what snacks I

    Get Schwifty still holds the distinction of worst episode of the series.

    Was an okay movie with a pathetically predictable plot and ending. Certainly not worthy of a series.

    1. First off, if my wife was ever that over bearing where she felt the need to nanny cam me while she was out of town she would be out of the picture entirely right quick. Out kicking my coverage or not, if I wanted to be watched ala mommy I would move back in with my mother.

    I actually liked this episode. Had a simple premise but the jokes were spot on and you got to see Homer and Bart in a tandem that always fits.
    I realize many people do not like this episode so I guess I'll fall into the minority and leave with this:
    "You better not be sitting in my ass groove!!"

    Never said he was the exception, his character was the only one that either didn't seemed forced or has stayed true to character through the series. The other characters just have not really felt like themselves and the whole Andre and Pete thing has gotten old quickly. Both of those characters seem like they are

    Fun episode. I kept expecting a ball fondlers episode but the two conjoined twins and Pickael going off on his rant had me rolling.

    Agreed, I find that most people who preach tolerance and acceptance are the guiltiest of not tolerating or accepting a dissenting opinion. Often rather than agreeing to disagree many make it their mission to force an agreement or demonize the person for not falling in line. The PC age has done far more harm than good

    Truth though is that a lot of young attractive girls tend to gravitate toward the charismatic loser with nowhere to go. Long term relationship, not so much but quick fling or hook up, sure.

    Shows that do a time period episode typically lose points with me from the start. I haven't done fantasy football since college but if I did and a friend tried to make me dress up for the draft I would tell him to stick it up his ass, what a lame and sadly all too annoying Andre thing to do. Andt hat whole battle at

    While not their best episode it is still strides over Get Schwifty, which, IMO was the worst of the season/series.