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    Sounds like Morty has a creepy, teenage alone in his room with a laptop fetish.

    Loved that scene, laughed my ass off.

    5. I kept expecting Bird Person to arrive when Rick was repeatedly crying out for help. Seems like that is his moment to appear.

    I think that is an intentional personality trait of the character. He is outgoing, blunt and a genius who knows he is intellectually above most everyone yet emotionally blunted. So he feels the need to cover his social and emotional deficits through hamming it up for the public, with the exception of Morty.

    I will agree, the well has been tapped a lot, but unlike the Simpsons analogy this is not a simple case of Jerry or Beth screws up, the other gets mad and they somehow figure out a way to solve the problem or make up for it in the end. Instead it's like they get distracted long enough to forget or simply put the

    And then the fact that Jerry yells at Beth for ignoring the fact that Jerry was ignoring everyone else. Love their marriage dynamic. No sitcom we all love one another perfect family BS

    RICK AND MORTY IS BACK!! Last Sunday I spaced that fact and was severely disappointed come 2230.

    To be fair, most episodes that are Lisa centric are pretty terrible/annoying/painful to watch. Especially is she is pushing an agenda of life choice.

    For me, with the exception of Halloween and possibly 4th of July, holiday episodes get a bit redundant and all too predictable, especially Christmas and Thanksgiving. There is always the lesson of love, family and being grateful that just gets old. While this episode had some enjoyable moments it just didn't click

    Agreed, felt more like a Michael Moore wanna be review where he had a conclusion already decided and just forced the material to fit his agenda.

    Hilarious that Lynch is able to have a good laugh at the SB loss in the opening. "Just hand it to me" "Nah, I'll toss it, what's the worst that can happen?"

    I think the older generation will appreciate the spoofs and call outs to older media. The nature of the show and the behavior of the characters I would bank less on.

    Hello, you're not on a magical adventure, you're ass deep in a folding chair.

    Not going to deny, it had some nice one liners and a few good jokes. However as a series, this was the weakest episode thus far.

    Sadly we never knew this would be the last time Lionel Hutz would grace us with his appearance.

    Anyone who would rank this episode behind Get Schwifty would lose any and all respect on the spot.

    True Zeep is his only true adversary, and you know he will be back. The man is too smart to just be content in his own universe knowing he's being used … as a car battery nonetheless.

    People have just been conditioned to search for racism and ethnocentrism if there is even a hint of offensive cultural satire now.
    Most of the comments above yours neglect to mention exactly what you said, and the show makes it clear that each universe within the previous one has a time line that is behind the other,

    That and the president "I love this spider!"

    Zeep - "If this works, drinks are on me".
    Rick "If this works you're going to have to take out a second mortgage on that tower (whispers) I'm an alcoholic"
    Zeep - "Opium addict"