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    Stay tuned …

    There are plenty of shows out there where the supposed bad amoral guy learns a life lesson and changes the course of his life to ultimately become the hero. Thankfully this one doesn't fall in line and will actually keep a character point while where he is constantly challenged by his grandson and does show brief

    A wonderful rebound from what was a turd in “Get Schwifty”.
    The cold open got things going and I loved the vehicle security system that not
    only cuts a man into little cubes but takes the orders not to kill by
    paralyzing a man, using emotional psychological warfare and then mocks Summer
    when she makes it difficult for the

    Homer shudders "The old Flanders house gives me the creeps".

    Snake - "Screw the honor system Lil Bandit needs me"
    Kearney - "You're ruining it for the rest of us!"

    Wasn't it Mrs. Astor who was the wealthy widow who's husband went down on the land Titanic in Futurama? Or am I wrong.

    Such a classic and sad line:
    Gil - you can't take this wall, I brought it from home.

    Hopefully Sunday's 8/30 episode will rebound from this miss. I watched the episode a few times trying to find a reason to like it, but other than a few quick chuckles I just can't back this one. Had a lot of potential but the execution was poor. Easily the worst episode of the short series for me personally, this

    As far as I'm concerned, they're all pieces of shit. I can prove it mathematically, in fact let me get my white board. This has been a long time coming …

    Not saying the teasing is unwarranted, I just get a kick out of how superior people of other nations act like no one within their borders would ever be wrong. Not to mention this Oliver guy has never been funny anytime I have seen him and it seems like he just retreads the same old tired jokes every time (former room

    I love how the old joke is to poke on Americans' ignorance yet I have met so many non Americans who don't know dick about world geography. You'll find that most countries have a large percent of their population that are dumb as hell but the USA is on a larger global stage so gets to be the scape goat.

    Damn you old man!!

    That's why I have always loved how they first met one another when they both needed the other the most in their lives.

    I always laugh when I see the scene where Fry first meets Colleen standing in the crowd thinking the world is about to end. "what should we do?"
    Next scene they are laying in bed naked and Fry is blowing bubbles with his gum.

    Lisa will rarely entertain the notion that she may be wrong. It's like the episode where she first became a vegetarian and felt the need to convert everyone else (even though that was a statement of the vegetarian/vegan craze that was sweeping) and went on badgering and bullying everyone she could get to. She even

    That was the point Exactly, Homer only saw profit and that was his only motivation. He was equally content if the angel was real or not. In his mind there was no difference other than making profit.
    If anything that kept him in true character versus him getting overtly religious.

    Lisa is an off putting character in this episode simply because she takes the stance that she is right and everyone is wrong and everyone who disagrees with her is an idiot.
    Essentially telling Marge she is a moron "actually I feel sorry for you" when she fails to comprehend what Marge is trying to tell her shows you

    Would you rather her trying out Bukaki (spelling) like she talked about at the party?

    That's because we take in the rest of the world's assholes daily which tips the scales.

    Agree, not sure how much time has gone by since the shooting but there was no continuity with that. The B plot felt like a "well we need to do something with them this week".