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    For the most part agree. There was a lot of potential but the ball was dropped. There wasn't a lot of seamless flow and most of the jokes seemed forced. Oh well, can't hit them all out of the park just have to hope it does not become a trend.

    And then he rode a T-Rex and made that little girl and her mother very uncomfortable.

    When Morty was singing that final song, his voice did briefly change and sounded exactly like MPBH and Meeseeks

    One thing that bothered me about this episode was Rick. His character has shown absolute apathy and disdain towards respecting government or its officials, even tot he point of actively harming them. In this episode he is suddenly cooperative and respectful which didn't gel for me.
    The Ice T gag would have been better

    Have to disagree with Zack on this one, I rather enjoyed this edition of Futurama and did not feel like the glory years were lost beyond season 4. In fact i think some of the later episodes had quite a few ingenious plots and writing. Yes there were a few swings and misses, such as every series but it's not like the

    I agree to a point. I use the Simpsons as a an example. When they started doing more family centered episodes the quality and humor dropped off vs when they had individual adventures. Having some family episodes is okay but if it becomes the norm I fear the quality will reach an apex sooner than later.

    The show had been hinting at her indulgence of wine, but given the lack of screen time never to into the thick of it.

    That was an awesome reply to an intentional insult.

    Anyone have an American Pie flashback with Morty jerking off in the kitchen?

    The episode did lag a bit for me when they went through all the flash backs but picked up steam when they started killing everyone off.
    Love how Rick just shoots Uncle Steve in the head
    Summer and he callous killing after her imaginary friend tells her she loves her.
    Rick's apron in the BBQ was classic Rick "Suck My D _

    Going to milk this franchise for every penny. Swiftly turning into a Land Before Time and the quality has no where to go but down down down.

    Okay, sure I guess we can agree to disagree. Nothing you say is gong to change a lifetime of not liking the works of the so called geniuses regardless of what the rest of the world says. That's the beauty I have the right to have my own opinion even if it isn't the popular one. I just love how you equate my dislike of

    I am just happy this did not end up being the true series finale.While this was a very good episode, many of the episodes to follow were great and the actual ending had a well rounded conclusion about itself.
    Still boggles the mind how great shows like these always get canceled but terrible shows like Friends or your

    Shakespeare, way to strike gold and digging up losers. Hate that guy also. Just because I don't submit to the majority doesn't mean I am in the wrong in my own right. Do you always follow the popular opinion? Neither of your two examples float my boat and if that means I don't have taste then so be it, I will never

    Nothing he has ever made is worth watching and he is not remotely funny. He's the kind of guy I would rather have seen get mugged in the subway, maybe then I could have enjoyed it.

    I have tried but just cannot get through it, was no where near my cup of tea.

    no thanks, tried a few times. Everyone has their thing and not everyone has to agree. I'm sure there are movies I love that you hate.

    LOL you know what, I was thinking of the movie Children of Men, my mistake I actually like No country just just my wires mixed.

    disagree, fall asleep every time I see vol. 2 a sure cure for insomnia.

    Have never been able to finish that POS. Tried on at least three occasions and each time I just got up and left, awful movie.