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    Any movie that I can tell you the beginning, middle and end/ plot twist just by looking at the preview should never win.

    Anything with a Woody Allen's fingerprints on it should never be considered for an award.

    Kill Bill vol. 2 was a yawn fest and a major let down.

    The first two episodes were high level IMO. This last one was okay at best, seemed a bit forced and didn't have the smooth transition form scene to scene like the others. The attempt to take a more dramatic tone over shadowed a lot of the subtle jokes. I would give the episode a B-. Not quite a swing and a miss but

    The South Park creators managed celebrities who wanted to voice on their show well, take a look. Some did it, some did not when they were offered their roles.

    No! This woman's voice (indoor volume is people's concert scream) makes me want to punch a baby.

    Reading the comments I think I am the only one who wasn't sad or emotional at the end of the episode. Maybe I am emotionally stunted. I understood and appreciated the effect, it just didn't have the same effect as it appears more people got.

    Probably the best scene of the episode is where Rick was tagging the space ship so the police would think a gang looted the place.

    I found this episode to be the beginning of the end for Apu in my opinion. He went from being a care free rather unique ancillary character to just another hen pecked putz as time moved forward. Haven't seen any new episodes in a few years so things may have changed but from where I left off he was by far less and

    Thanks for the correction, couldn't fully remember the line

    Tricky Dick 300 dollar bill

    As much as I love this show I think it will only survive a handful of seasons. Hopefully the creators will call it a day when the creativity starts to fall off rather than coast off their fame ala Simspons or SNL for so many years. Ideally they have an endgame in mind like Breaking Bad so the quality never falls off.

    A good episode. Nelson for me was the difference maker.

    Either way I think it's a play at Jerry being stupid and Rick thinking he doesn't have a functioning brain.

    Anyone else notice the paper work when Rick was dropping Jerry off at the day care center? List any existing physical defects, Rick scratches out Jerrys head. Reasons for drop off
    1. Earth under siege
    2. Threatened to tell Beth
    3. Unwanted stowaway
    4. Annoying me

    Agree, Zack H. spent too much time hemming and hawing about whether or not he should like the episode or brace for a twist than actually reviewing the episode.

    I mean seriously, the whole Jerry day care scenario was fantastic. I was laughing so much especially with how excited he was when he learned the first Jerry to the TV room got to adjust the tint settings. Then how they all look at each other dumbfounded when he asked why no one just left. "Because we're Jerrys".

    I have no code of ethics, I'll kill anyone. Women, children, babies I just LOVE KILLING. —- Hilarious

    People are taking the social issue of this episode (Bend Her) way too seriously. A sign of how fragile and sensitive our society has become. Relax, have a few good laughs and unclench. Futurama comedy is based off of topics where you have to think, and sometimes offensive to poke fun at the fact that it is considered

    And then everyone cheers him. Classic