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    I love Rick and Morty, the show has me laughing like crazy. This episode was fun especially when Rick is going to sacrifice himself and the others begin to pray. Once he sees the collar and saves himself how he starts to cuss God out is beyond hilarious.
    Even though Jerry is a doofus, what he does for Beth still shows

    Yeah I get your point but the episode is being reviewed by someone who is using current events to analyze the show. Of course the episode was going to have Homer and everyone else be irresponsible with their gun, it would not have been entertaining if they weren't. Homer shooting the lights out of the rooms or trying

    Seems like the writer has fallen for the emotional knee jerk hysteria when it comes to guns. This episode was poking fun at every angle and the writer is talking about feeling uncomfortable, and oh no, the big bad confederate flag in the background. Seems like the writer here missed the point entirely. Yes Homer is an

    I rather enjoyed the Lisa on ice episode. Again one of the few Lisa episodes that were worth watching and Homer had several scenes all worth remembering. 1. The pet being held hostage unless Bart wins. 2. Him telling the pie that if it gets eater its its own fault. 3. The loser will be jeered until my throat is dry

    Lisa is my least favorite. In earlier seasons she was fun and would take part in the shenanigans even if she had objections. Now she is just a propaganda tool for the writers who shows the worst personality traits if anyone threatens her opinion or intelligence.

    "…You can put your fingers anywhere."

    Jerry: I wish that shot gun was my penis
    Beth: If it were you could call me Ernest Hemmingway
    Jerry: I don;t get it, and I dont need to

    R & M is such an awesome show.

    The depths of intellect Futurama had displayed through its run is astonishing. It still managed to be a true comedy maintaining the characters without succumbing to current trends of the month and changing character personalities like you see in so many other long standing cartoons (Simpsons, Family Guy to name a

    The best scene is where Homer punches the skull in on the driver in front of him he thinks isn't moving on purpose. LOL

    I had a few beers but I'm cool to drive

    My favorite line is when Skinner is riding his motorcycle out of town "Up yours children" that simple line both encompassed Principle Skinner and Armen all in one.

    One of the few Lisa centered episodes where you don;t see it on and immediately channel surf.
    I do like how the show has evolved the flash back episodes are decade based 70 - early 2000. Pick your Simpson's reality and remember when Snake robs your house "Oh no, Beta".

    Is this show worth watching? I haven't seen any or know anyone that watches it. Opinions?

    Louise cracks me up in this show.

    Did anyone else have a good chuckle when Maureen tossed the turtle and thought 'PETA will be all over them for this'?

    When Black Cindy played the race card and used reparations for slavery as an excuse to stealing the corn I just sighed and fast forwarded through the scene.

    Sucks for the maintenance crew that's the way the cookie crumbles!

    I think he wants to be the good guy but constantly finds himself as the middle man unable to please both sides and ultimately not himself.

    I will admit. I don;t think I would pull out of a possible big break musical tour to care for another man's baby while he parades on tour and not taking responsibility himself.