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    I would agree, they are simply in the city not coming across all the pop culture icons and forcing jokes. Now they rely too heavily on superficial jokes that take little comprehension or originality.

    For me the decline of the Simpsons began when the majority of the episodes had them doing things as a whole family rather than having separate adventures individually or in groups of two or so. By that point they were forcing jokes and learning a life lesson.

    Ir was an okay episode, certainly not the worst one ever. Remember that lame one with the alcoholic cowboy and Bart being afraid of the dog? That was an awful episode.

    Hey everybody!! I'm Peter Pantsless!!

    Okay sensitivity police. I stand by my point that a show that is central to a prison in the first place you knew that subject would come up. Thanks for holding other people's hands though, I'm sure they are grateful you;re so concerned about their feelings.

    Whoops, didn't even notice the typo LOL

    The I would suggest not watching a show centered around inmates in prison, the theme is bound to come up.

    Homer 'Do you have anything to drink?"

    So in other words it bothered you to see how a prison might operate? It's not all sisterhood and the travelling pants.

    The one thing I found odd was that Caputo would even allow this guy to be the van transportation guard. After the sex scandal he had to commit a felony to fix and the fact that he appears to care you think he would rather have a female with the inmates off prison grounds, not to mention this guy is a rookie and should

    Speedburst, digging on the Gene Belcher profile, although Louise is the best character on the show. Then again all five of the main family are fun to watch.

    I have similar thoughts about the daughter. She has the personality of a cardboard box containing HR pamphlets.
    As Louise says "If she was a spice, she'd be flour. If she was a book, she'd be two books"

    She is in prison, and this would be considered a delicacy. Ever get so excited for a food you havent had in so long you just open your gullet and take it in. She probably could barely see her hands how fast she would be munching let alone counting LOL

    It may just be me but I find the whole Piper character and story line just boring and dull. She has lost pretty much all purpose in this show tot he point where she has to start a tuna panty business to keep her relevant. If I never have to hear the inspirational speech about skanking up panties for sniffing again I

    Futurama is a great comedy cartoon that takes a certain level of intellect to fully appreciate. Those, in my humble opinion are the best comedies because they have some actual depth to them and are thought provoking.

    So the show colored the Meyer states Blue, meaning she's a Democrat.

    Still not sure why everyone is so mad at Tom possibly being acting president. As if he engineered a tie in the electoral, not to mention it would require yet another tie in the senate. I think Meyer lost a lot of points with her irrational behavior and beyond selfish attitude.

    Well everyone kept wondering how Tom would become president, apparently the backdoor.

    Virtual reality is the next step, matrix style

    Seeing all those women walking around in their underwear I can see when some men are gay LOL