Felix Ng

There's an alternate ending for "The 13th Floor" that's slightly different from the Theatrical version. Wonder if you caught it.

Don't be afraid to talk about the Leeches!

Agreed.Die Hard: With A Vengeance is far superior to Bad Boys (Sadly it would be the last good Die Hard we would ever get). Also Goldeneye is one of my favorite Bond films ever. Note - Tom, you should really rethink your pick for 1995.

Sharon Stone was in TNT's cancelled Agent X series last year. She looks good for her age.

The Skydiving stunts in Terminal Velocity are just spectacular (especially the ending). They still hold up well today.

But when it comes to Dramatic scenes, Will Patton takes the cake.

Knock Off will always rank in my Top 5 Van Damme films.

I said this once and i'll say it again. Seagal's On Deadly Ground is Comedy gold.

That Gary Busey speech in Surviving The Game. Just Classic.

Regeneration and Day of Reckoning are some of the best DTV action in recent years.


No love for Bad Boys 2?

Is Tom Arnold going to keep talking about True Lies 2 till the end of time?

Besides James Woods and Sharon Stone (My Mom thinks she's a Goddess), i can't really recommend The Specialist. It's a bad film.

I didn't care for Street Fighter the first time i saw it. But the film has slowly grown on me over the years. It's enjoyable in a "It's so bad, it great" kind of way.

The people at my screening just appluaed at the Bridge Jump Scene.

Ah yes, now i see it. Was hoping to get more details.

Can someone clarify on Josh Whedon's role in SPEED? He wrote an earlier draft of the script i hear.

Hey its a Classic!