The Archmage of the Æther


Honestly, that's the real-world way with most Evil Schemes— once people know it's happening, it stops being effective.

…but Perkins is all over that thread, like the boss Aetheric Paladin he is.

I also like Barsanti. He's working the Goblin Shift (evenings, weekends, and the evenings of weekends), and he is much more engaged and on the ball than i would be in his slippers

ugh. god damned Ann Coulter

I think i can brink Cobie Smulders around. She seems reasonable.

And i'm disappointed the first comment wasn't "…her?"

The electoral college?

In three generations, it's gonna be all spliced genes and vat-bred puppets with sythaflesh, it'll look fine but it'll be very intimate. Very.

…what, no good?

Yes. Also, no hurry, you had at least three hours to spare

i mean, yes, technically

I have no problem with him dropping the TPP.

I put the Point of Change at the beginning of the Kenneth Starr investigation, around when Newt Gingrich first became internationally known. The insistence that Monica Lewinsky was worth everybody knowing about.

"if there are fewer people, doesn't that mean more stuff for me?"

One summer i was a lifeguard at a senior's apartment complex.I saw at least two ballsacks that stretched a foot or more to its owner's knees.

While i liked the content of American Gods just fine, i felt the presentation was trite, and heedless of any intellignece on the part of the viewers. And -most egregious- the sound and music score drew the worst aspects of that of Naked Lunch, Hannibal and that avant-garde free jazz that nobody ever liked ever besides

Everybody sacrifices goats. Goats are the quintessential sacrificial animal.

Can-Con. Gotta love the Roger Cross Clause.

I care, Bro.