
I did feel the plot line was generally manipulative and exploitative, but the discussion on the whose story it is to tell/"white allies" meddling and manipulating (not to mention that even the more high brow "noble" documentarians are in their own way more exploitative than the regular Everlasting producers regularly

I know that this is slightly off topic, but UnReal's Rachel isn't bipolar, she's either a borderline or a narcissistic personality.

Wondering if the girl I went to high school with who was obsessed with 3EB/Jenkins feels vindicated or betrayed by this.

It is a huge problem with the film. If the point of that plot was the decline of "real news" the fact that the example is a common subject people struggle to understand decades later is odd. Also I can't sympathize at all with Brooks character.

I'd argue that the peak of Nicole Kidman's appeal came in 2001 when both Moulin Rouge and The Others came out. Sure 1995 had Batman Forever and To Die For, but only one of those has a memorable performance.

Twitter in the morning my addictive problem. I don't actually need it, but I can't seem to do with out it.

No, because I've already seen twitter posts about this interview all day.

I haven't read any of Perez-Reverte's other work. I read the Novel around the time as the telenovela came out and was struck by how few scenes there are. Thee reporter angle means that the narrator has few confirmable facts, lots of rumors, and is always presented as possible but unconformable. I wonder if this is

I've been so excited about this since I heard about it last year. I actually read the book! and attempted to read it in Spanish! I watched some of the telenovela while it aired. It's the only time I really made an effort towards it.

I think she was seriously hurt by not being able to shake the model/actress label. She's much better than her opportunities.

No, I watched it on Pay Per View years ago.

The atmosphere was beautiful, it had a great lead performance by Sara Bolger. (I really felt for her even as she is possibly loosing her mind.) It gave a good sense of growing up with a sense of loss. It also has the most explicit waking up with a peavy period scenes I've ever seen, which is appropriate for a maybe

I haven't read the book, and I really like the film. That said, I've seen enough fan responses to know that guys who love "badass anti heroes like Walter White don't get how pathetic (and dorky) Bateman is supposed to come of in this interpretation. In one of the DVD interviews Turner talks about how a number of men

He was a child actor, so I think he got used to adjusting his accent from a young age for roles and now his natural speaking accent got kind of muddled.

I think I was the only one to like The Moth Diaries, and I wish there was more discussion about it.

Every time I read that the Las Vegas conviction was bigger than the crime I wonder "what is the normal sentencing for armed robbery and kidnapping like?"

Keaton, Midler and Hawn were all around 50 when the movie came out so this change in age really proving the women considered too old too quickly thing through example.

She was a child actor and I think that makes lying about her age more difficult.

Attitude like this is why Teachers is underrated.

Indirectly. You go into the movie knowing that most of the characters are going to die, but you need to feel like their deaths matter to the survivors to care. The fact that most of the kids tin the remake were in the friendly-but-not-friends category did the movie harm, and that this creative decision was related to