
So the ultimate message to the movie is 'Okay, a bachelor's is acceptable, but if you're an English major for God's sake don't pursue a graduate degree!'

Understandable. The younger me used to find female convenience-store clerks quite alluring. Couldn't really articulate why, but they just seemed to be my generation's answer to carhops.

"Live and Let Die" did strike me as the most intentionally comical Bond movie (e.g., isn't that the first appearance of the Southern sheriff?).

About 1/5th into the strikingly long "O.J.: Made in America". It's a great looking documentary, with a just-right mix of historical footage, talking-head interviews and reenactments that aren't quite reenactments…I can see why some may have fatigue re: the whole O.J. saga, but it really does continue to fascinate,

The one that always sticks in my mind is a cop responding to a fire, late at night.

I just don't see it.

That was a good movie. It actually had some insightful things to say about ethical issues.

Or you could have the cops accidentally shoot and kill the cameraman…

So as far as faithfulness to source material, it'll be about on par with "i Robot."

The Patrick Warburton series is a lost gem. It was a good balance of witty and wacky.

"Snakes on a Plane" will be remembered as a pop-culture cautionary tale, i.e., it was a movie that was so hyped, for so long, that people got sick of it before it even came out. Yes, the Internet was abuzz, but as another poster remarked, people were more laughing at the movie than with it.

The guy's a souse!… a great souse!… Souse!…SOOOUSE!!!

The surprise of "Infinite Jest" is that, once you get past all the intimidating things about it, i.e., its length, prose, footnotes and shifting perspectives, it's actually a very fun experience.

Wow, really pleased to see someone mention "No Lunch." With what was on the radio at the time (it was the height of that Cardigans song, I remember), I heard that album and was like, 'yes, this is what I needed.'

Good to see a shout-out to Grant Lee Buffalo, a criminally overlooked '90s band (yes, everyone has one of those, but GLB is mine).

Well, that reboot a few years ago was just shit, so if they could avoid just totally fucking up with a new one, it'll be an improvement.

Well at least they're not getting gimmicky.

I see your point that Bill O'Reilly is low-hanging fruit for being called out, but I still think it's deserved and valid to do so.

I'll defend the movie vis-a-vis the defense of it has to be judged by the context of its era. Although "Natural Born Killers" and "Pulp Fiction" came the same year, they came after "The Crow." Point is, for quite a while during that era, movies were very dull, watered-down affairs (political correctness was also a

Yes, I was going to just make some joke about how me and my pubescent pals sure watched the shit out of a couple scenes from "Re-Animator," but I've also got to give her props for her abilities as an actress.