
Almost done with Jean Edward Smith's "Bush."

I'll throw in with that. It's like, I've read David Foster Wallace ("Infinite Jest" twice) and I really get it. I've read most of Pynchon and am still confident that I get it.

Just read "Grunt," my first Roach book, and I just didn't enjoy it. Perhaps I was expecting something different, but I was bothered by the approach, the whole 'Oh my god can you believe this madcap zany stuff! What a world!' schtick.

You could play that game on a weekly basis. Just go back to the week before what you mentioned… Imagine the Fox News reaction if, during a solemn moment at a memorial service for slain police officers, Obama had started dancing.

You hit the nail on the head. Putting aside any value judgment of either person:

Taken directly from "The Five" transcript.

It's considered cliche for traveling comedians to make fun of the local airport, but in the case of DIA is pretty deserved. The main thing seems to be its location. As Dave Barry wrote, "I went to Denver's airport, which is actually in Wyoming."

"The Man in the High Castle" has probably made the greatest impact on the culture (it's the novel most cited as an example of the "alternate history" genre), but I'd have to go with "A Scanner Darkly" just for the coda alone. Word for word it's one of the most devastating things I've ever read. I was reading it aloud

So you're asking why people would spend their time/energy seeking out things they know will piss them off?

My theory is that Krauthammer is faking it. For years he was a well-regarded syndicated newspaper columnist. I remember reading many of his columns and enjoying them… I think he saw which way the wind was blowing, though, and decided to reinvent himself as a talking-head-for-hire. Fox News likes it because they think

In some circles (read: Republicans), Trump's speech was praised, with some saying he "nailed it."

He sings it on "The Basement Tapes." It's about his motorcycle accident, i.e.: "This wheel's on fire/ Rolling down the road/ Best notify my next of kin/ This wheel shall explode"

I'm sure it has been pointed out, even on this board, but it can't be repeated often enough:

It's one of those things like… make fun of it all you want, but when I was 17 and going through some shit (that I now realize was in no way singular to me and is probably pretty typical of what a lot of 17yos went through), "Hunger Strike" was one of those songs that forced me not to move until it was over.

Well, things are just going swimmingly for the GOP, no?

So his Tweet about his taxes giving things to "lazy, non working people"… umm, what work did he do that year?

This movie already seems antiquated. It's like, how relevant or even visible are white supremacist groups in 2016?

Shallhoub as Ben Geisler in "Barton Fink" is one of my favorite characters in a movie, period. The exchange he has with John Turturro that ends with Shallhoub yelling "SOUSE!" has made me laugh more than any scene in any movie.

He's really done some good stuff, granted, but I swear just the other day I suddenly thought, "'Snake Eyes' is one of the stupidest fucking movies I've ever seen."

It did seem to be part of her transformation. I also got the impression that she fell in with the radicals because she didn't really fit in anywhere else, certainly not in the life her family had built for themselves. With the radicals it seemed like there was a way of thinking: 'We don't care what you look like or