
Yes, everything about this album makes it sound good, but I remember being left cold by it.

I was the typical Mark Leyner fan in college. A few years ago I had kind of a Am-I-getting-old? moment when I finished "The Sugar-Frosted Nutsack" and realized I just didn't get the thrill out his writing that I used to (and it was a thrill).

I had a very embittering experience involving "The Witch."

Cruz wouldn't have been driven to kill all those people if it weren't for how much Obama has divided this country, and generally made a mockery of the presidency.

I admit with some shame that I've tasted both the new hot dogs and the Buttery Cheeseburger within the last week (I drive for a living).


I heard someone make this point recently, and it's worth repeating:

Try watching the original keeping in mind Stephen King's theory: that it's actually a supernatural metaphor for buying a moneypit house. I recently watched some of it from that perspective, and it's rather enjoyable. (at one point the evil forces actually steal fucking money from the family).

If "Slow Train Coming" had been the beginning and end of Dylan's Christian phase, said phase might be more pleasantly remembered, but the trilogy of STC, "Shot of Love" and "Saved" makes for the low point of his career.

Just caught the last half of "The Dead Zone" on TV, after having mentioned it just the other day.

Gathering in front of televisions may be an exaggeration, but otherwise I'd answer, yes, it really was that big a deal. It was the perfect storm of a sociopolitical controversy: it had race, politics, lurid minutiae (e.g., porn, pubic hair on Coke cans), and , as another poster pointed out, it was the first national

I remember that that skit was so popular at my high school that over the next week even the teachers were openly joking about it.

"Shuffle It All" was an authentically good song.

In this department we do things by the book!

I hand't thought of that movie (or novel) for almost two decades…

Probably not his most best movie, but "Just Before Dawn" did have some unlikely gravitas for a slasher-in-the-woods knockoff, and his performance had something to do with that.

Yes Mr. Hope, everything stinks.

I watched FG and don't remember that part… fucking Blockbuster Video strikes again.

And there's what does worry me about Trump's candidacy. He's so ridiculous that most everyone who isn't a supporter of his has the attitude of 'Oh he's too ridiculous to acknowledge or take seriously.'

If we're debating everyone's relative merits, I guess I'd say that while I find John Oliver's segments impressively researched and to make excellent sociopolitical points, his actual jokes are bit more hit-and-miss.