
Last year at this time I'd pretty much forgotten about "Idiocracy." I rewatched it a few months ago and have since been telling people "You HAVE to see this movie! Like, not even for entertainment, but as a moral obligation. It basically predicted what's happening right now."

I think she's living a political version of "Sunset Boulevard," or its Twilight Zone version, the episode "The Sixteen-Milimeter Shrine."

Dude, she could've been president! Just because McCain's alive now doesn't mean he would've lived through 1-2 terms as president. The stresses of the job, fraught schedule, etc. could've done him in.

Not taking anything away from Tina Fey's talents, but this doesn't have the same sting as in '08. It's like, back then, Sarah Palin really was taken seriously on the national stage. Now, she's fallen so far and gotten so incomprehensible (pharmaceuticals, IMO) that she's basically beyond parody.

Re: Solondz,

As a Colorado resident, I can say that one of the weirder side effects of legalization and mainstreaming of pot is that… it's really not funny anymore. Acceptance has removed that rogue humor angle.

Whatever happened to her virginity? I remember that being the thing that was mentioned about her constantly in the '90s. Was she an abstinence advocate or something?

I'm swept with nostalgia. If you went to college during a certain time and were into certain things then "Screamadelica" is just a fucking lightning-in-a-bottle classic… I'll have to go search my basement later tonight for the CD, which I believe may be next to some dormant exercise equipment.

"GOING CLEAR" Lawrence Writght

For context, I'm 41. It seems like that at some point in one's 30s, one stops keeping up with current music (which happened to me). It seems like closer to my age, though, that does morph into a general resentment of what's being put out (basically the Grandpa Simpson speech about "it"), and I agree that what's really

Say it's campy or funny or whatever, but when I was a kid and "Phantasm" was a staple of Saturday Night Frights! type programming, Scrimm as the Tall Man scared the hell out of me!

The video really introduced them to a larger audience. A mix of all the Eddie artwork and a typical look-we're-a-band-on-tour! footage.

Extra points if you remember that weird symbol that appeared on their early album covers.

Spit in your eye! I will defy!

It sounds like this remake's gotta go down… It's gotta be that way!

"It's not the most forward-thinking song."

Only read the first one, but it was the definition of a guilty pleasure: I knew it was a gossipy tract taking political analysis to a dumbed-down, LCD place, but damned if I didn't read the whole thing over a weekend.

What I really like about this show is how in almost every episode they insert an interesting subculture or story into the plotline that's only in that particular episode, e.g., cutthroat debt collectors, breeding extinct animal species, Manos the Hands of Fate, the Atari landfill thing…

Yeah, in the 70s/80s every local TV station had some weekly horror movie whose slot was called "Saturday Night Frights!" or something… I remember "Phantasm" being a fucking staple of those things.

Who read "Naked Lunch" as an undergrad and either didn't finish it, or finished it and were utterly unable to remember a single thing about it?