
Which still could have worked with good plotting—if the teachers knew people in the aforementioned fields. Which is perfectly plausible.

IKR? WTF people? What was the point then?
I suspect executive meddling; like the shows ratings weren't rising fast enough and some said, "Get Zombies on the screen NOW."

Yeh, Fet rocks too.

Except of course a rotten corpse, horrible as it is, isn't going to kill off everyone who was bitten. Some people will fight the infection off, see above whiskey, fire, etc… So the, (until now) 100% kill rate for Zombie bits is ridiculous.

Exactly. Its become very wooley. They should have just stuck to Zombie bites make you a Zombie, but Kirkman wanted things to be more interesting, but didn't think it through.

Depends who you ask.

Completely with you about the pier plan. They have nothing else to do. I'd say, allowing for safety and rest, a week to clear one hotel. Plus the narrative opportunities to get to know enough other. It's almost like they may not be at the hotel for long…

I think it was really trite for her to get disappeared in the first place. "Oh, another split the party, kidnap rescue subplot". for really no reason. How the hell far would someone wander in a zombie hotel from your ally's? It just lazy story telling.

I quite enjoy the Strain, maybe because, even with it's flaws, it doesn't take itself too seriously and everyone looks like they're having fun. Also Quinlan rocks.


And people like me will be very annoyed. Why even introduce the concept if they aren't going to do something with it? Right now the most unbelievable part is he's a freaking pharmacist. He knows all about vaccines. Now if he was a truck driver or something, becoming a cult hero would make sense. But a pharmacist?

Good questions, but you'd think if antibiotics worked, we'd know that by now? Hell, if it's just a matter of cleaning the wound, whiskey should work. I always assumed while everyone was infected, something in the walker's bite activated and sped up the process.

Yeah, I'm just annoyed they dangled the makings of an actual plot in front of us. I really think the writers are screwing up…even Super Junkie has enough education to know immunity implies a vaccine is possible. It would work better for me if Nick at least asked the question about a vaccine.

Oh, now, that would be sensible.

Exactly my point. So why isn't he working, literally night and day, to make that happen? Answer: the writers think its for more interesting to muddle about with this death-cult-backwords-ethnic sterotypes distraction. It would be a super awesome cool twist of tropes for MEXICO to come up with the vaccine. But if

Got ya. This is how I feel about the "Constantine" film. Or Harry Potter OOTP. Entertaining movie. Horrible adaptation.

Reminded me of "The Day After" when McCoy explains to the die hard soldiers, they did their duty but if they stay, they'll just get nuked.

IKR? Someone doesn't understand narrative balance:

This was hashed and rehashed in the comments during the first season: