
Don't worry. May will see right through him. She'll have no trouble saying, "Just look at the flowers, dammit".

I actually enjoyed the film. Sacrilege to a connoisseur, I'm sure, but I don't know any better.
Okay, I had one problem with the film: super fast zombies? Seriously? No one except elite athletes would survive past week one! But I understand that was a change?
Nice to know the books are better—gives me something to

Well, it won't be 'Chris', you know. Not unless its some weird cross-over. ;P
I don't mind the actor. But the character is going towards "look at the flowers"-ville. I was wondering how long he'll last. Not a surprise he's got something lined up.

I must respectfully disagree. Love Voyager. But I'll admit the early eps were weak. Especially certain over used plot devices. Even at its blandest, Voyager was 10X more entertaining than FTWD, imho.

I heard the music fine. I was wondering why she felt she needed to hold it 'just so'. Just turn the blasted thing up ffs.

You could have them all on the first floor and stairs or ladders going to the second. Because by all rights Zombies shouldn't be able to use ladders, or stairs—apart from falling down.

Yeh, I remember the sign, I just don't buy sweeping our zombies under the rug, er out to sea, isn't going to be a problem later. Like if they need to go out to sea…because say they need to flee? They kinda reduced their options a bit.

I'm not sure I bought her assessment. It's not like they have anything else to do. And the advantage of going room to room is they could stop at any time and get back to it later. Say if someone tripped or lost control…cuz in their world, that happens.

Aliens clearly wrote these telescripts. It's the only explanation.

That's more understandable. It is possible to lose control of "neutered" walkers. They could lunge, or you could trip and scratch something on their top teeth.
However, neutered/crippled walkers have been used as a defensive barrier a couple times, definitely in the comic.

At first these sound like silly questions, but they're not(well, apart from nitpicking the mechanics of what is basically a horror story device). Zombies in TWD are attracted to noise and light(I think?). Since they're going with the infection story line instead of unholy magical abomination, this should be thought

I don't remember this but the idea was used to humours effect in the Order of the Stick "Start of Darkness". The bad guy as a young necromancer killed a Dr. Xavier lookalike and zombified him.

I too was wondering this. Unless they're planning on using them as a kind of floating barricade for defense?

Upvoted for spoiler warning. Z is something to want to experience on my own. Thx! ;)

This was in fact supposed to be the WHOLE POINT of the series. And then we had that inexplicable flashforward around the 3rd or 4th ep of season one. What? Did their budget run out? Wouldn't it be cheaper to film with less zombies?

"This show takes the "smear themselves with walker guts" defense to a whole new level. It happens like every episode."

Been a long while…Hi guys…er…
(fails to see anyone familiar at first glance).
Um, Hi anyway!

I don't have time to respond to every point at the mo, but totally agree about Speedy. Been saying it a while: she needs to use more crippling, disabling tactics, otherwise it just looks silly.

Doing a heavy weight workout before going to the dojo isn't great for other reasons…like frankly you're too exhausted train safely. Ironically I used to do something similar years ago, but luckily the weights available were pretty lame so I never could train hard enough that would be a problem.

What a mellow individual. What are you doing at AVClub? :D