
No, no. Nothing matches the stupid Moon Egg thing. So this is the same writer? And least he found the fun.

My take it that feed we were seeing, that was what Rassmussen was broadcasting. No one else but the targets…and we viewers(spooky music)…saw it. The Doctor knew he was missing something, but there was no time to examine it.
Possible outcomes:
1-Rassmussen's broadcast goes out and infects all viewers(Got something

And it makes sense. If you're bumming around in a time machine even without questionable control, and you pop in the middle of something, it's even odds it'll be something that you're not prepared to handle.

Yeh, it really hit some people hard. I was one of those maddening people who suffered no physical ill effects.

I liked the unresolved bit. I've said this before: we need more episodes where running away is the only option and you can't afford to stick around for how it ends. Happened a lot in Classic Who…hmmmm. I wonder if the writers read AVClub?

The found footage "Blair Witch Project" effect is murder for some people. A friend had to pause for a break 10 minutes from the end because of nausea.

The most ridiculous and cheesy scifi monster concept I've seen in a while.

Oh, I don't know. Apparently next week we're going to Diagon Alley. That doesn't happen every day.

I'm in agreement. That's why we need to see character based on screen remorse. Someone(you?) suggested they devote a whole season to this change, and I agree. It can't be rushed or it feels cheap.

Good points.

Thinking about this is starting to piss me off (recent events probably aren't helping my state of mind).

Basically this. Monroe feels really shitting for being out of control and violent all those years. He's not brooding about it like Angel(thank god), but he's didn't just wake up one day and expect everything to be daisies and sunshine. he worked at changing his life.

The metaphysics make it different. Spike was literally a different person pre-soul and post-soul. Spike's situation is more similar to Harrison Wells from Earth2 in Flash. Some people(Zander, Dawn) won't be able to see past the face of the monster, others (Buffy, Faith, Angel) were willing to give him a (very

How Rosalee handled rejection was a misstep by the writers imo. Of course the kid is going to be angry and lash out. Rosalee could have said, " Okay, I understand why you feel that way now. If you ever change your mind, I'll be here."

Both characters suffer from the same treatment by the writers, in different ways. Adalind was supposed to be a career woman but clearly pandering to the temptress mold. Julliete was the sweet innocent love interest, with all spark and chemistry written out of her, though she did have some great self defence moments.

Oops, you're right! Guess those Wesen kids have more powers than we thought…like selectively wiping viewers minds.

That was disappointing to see him part of that. I hope there's more to the story.

Sean's mum the jury is out, but Henrietta , if not good, was not interested in starting trouble. And she seemed genuinely sympathetic to Juliette's dilemma, so I'd call her "good" on a sliding scale.

It would work a lot better as a noble sacrifice if the writers had actually established Hexenbiests are inherently morally defective(like BTVS Vampires are soulless and immoral). The existence of Henrietta and Sean's mum indicate that's not the case.

Love the idea of Adalind’ going back to work as a lawyer as an option. This damsel in distress/living off Nicks protection bs has already gotten old for me.
Unfortunately it reminds me of the thing I hate, Adalind’s "I don't want to be hexienbeist any more" moment last week.