
Phil gets a LOT more bearable in S2 if that's your main concern. Dude has really learned his lesson.

They really have come so far. No matter how funny early season 1 might have been, I don't think I could ever rewatch it because the animosity between Tandy and Carol would just make me so sad.

I have a little brother so I kind of get it. It just bothered me that they didn't have at least a DAY of "honeymoon period" where they were super nice to each other before they devolved into typical sibling bickering as any other pair of siblings would do in the given situation.

Yeah I was annoyed the two siblings weren't more emotional with each other (I was strangely reminded of Revolution where the main character would do anything to get her little brother back in Season 1) but I guess that's what separates comedy from drama.

Mike purposely hosting a "pre party" when he knew Phil would be waiting for everyone seems like a total asshole move. It's not like these guys have cell phones to let people know these things.

I think it makes sense though. When you take in context that these 7 people are literally the only ones left on EARTH, of course a new person will seem new and exciting. It's like the new kid arrives in school and every one is taken with him trope but taken to the 10th power. Mike is just the shiny new toy.

I wasn't spoiled (somehow) and it was amazing.

Freaking time travel

Replying as somebody who was also curious about that, yes we can fill in the blanks our selves but most fans like having a consistent, cannon timeline of crossovers. It's not this strange, desparate, request you seem to be implying it to be.

Ikr? They should just run the seasons straight through and end early OR take the ABC approach and do a longer winter break and air the second half straight from March to May. These pointless breaks are driving me crazy.

I thought I was the only one who was hoping Eddie would be alive at the end! I guess since Eddie's sacrifice was the only way Eobard Thawne was defeated (although I STILL don't see how he was "erased from the timeline" if he clearly still exists…and how on Earth he DOES come to exist if Eddie is dead… Ugh I hate time

"And then Scandal got more ridiculous after that."

Yeah, I keep waiting for the episode where I will find Penny compelling and it just…hasn't happened yet. Honestly, the way Callie raved about her before we met her, I was expecting so much more.

I mean I was in a similar situation once with a friend so I could kind of empathize but they were in the wrong.

THAT'S WHY HE LOOKED SO FAMILAR!! It was driving me nuts during the episode.

"Astronauts saw it"

But that timeline is just a possibility. It's just what would happen if Sara and Roy DIDN'T return to 2016 .

I love Diggle but he is not perfect.

I read your episodes every week. For some reason I don't remember this but it's a GREAT line. What episode was this?

That was so great. I want them to just randomly make out and never acknowledge it. (Which is weird because I am such a hard core Sara/Nyssa shipper)