
I was ready to give up on the show after it came back from the winter break and I found myself bored out of the mind, I only stayed on because of the potential of a Mellie/Olivia team up and the fact that I can never resist a good election episode.

Okay. We will just agree to disagree then :) Good to know you are not giving up on the show.

Ugh coupled with Laurel not telling Lance about Sara dying last season and Mama Lance constantly being out of the loop, waiting too long to tell people that their loved ones died seems to be a theme for the Lance family.

I really don't hate Laurel. She improved a lot the past 2 seasons. And again, I am not saying that it's madness to ship a comic book couple: I loved Clark and Lois on Smallville and even in the Man of Steele movies because the actors had chemistry and made sense as a couple. In the end, it's about what works. The

Yep, although how alarmingly skinny KC has gotten over the course of the show probably makes it strange to call her "that fat" even if it used metaphorically. Hopefully, she can take a small break from acting and eat a burger.

Yeah Dig bringing up Felicity was perfect. It was a low blow which isn't really Dig's style but perfectly illustrated how pissed he was at Oliver for suspecting Andy.

Listen, I agree with you that using Laurel's final moments to giver her blessings for Oliver to be with Felicity was dumb and disrespectful to her character.

Yes!! I was pretty meh about Laurel but she was 100% more tolerable around Tommy and my dream of Tommy returning via Lazarus Pit in Season 6 and reuniting with Laurel is now dead which is sad. Maybe they are together in heaven? Tommy seems like a pretty forgiving dude so I guess he will pretend like he didn't hear

Is there a reason she didn't use the Canary Cry this episode? She uses it basically every single fucking episode why not use her signature weapon/power in her FINAL episode?

He was pretty fun in the beginning of the season? Remember when he made jokes and wanted to run for mayor? The Baby Mamma drama (and now LL's death) has completely destroyed the little charisma he had been building up for so long.

Jesus, has Felicity Smoak come to your house personally and harmed you? Even in my Smallville days when I hardcore hated Lana, I did not have this much contempt for A FICTIONAL character.

Which episode though? Like it doesn't seem to be happening this week and the description for next week indicates being in the Wild West. So the week after? Why would they wait so long to tell Laurel? Actually while I am on the topic, how the hell is the team even communicating with the outside world? Doesn't Martin

I refuse to give up hope that Malcolm Merlyn took Tommy's body after the events of Season 1, Lazarus Pitted him and is hiding him somewhere to emerge after Colin Donnell's medical show is cancelled. GIVE IT TO ME WRITERS!

Yes it is when the characters have ZERO chemistry together. Every Laurel/Oliver scene in Season 1 was painful and both actors looked like they wanted to be in the other room.

Yeah but that was in Revenge's final season and basically everyone knew the show wouldn't be complete if Victoria and Emily didn't have one final showdown in the finale. What I'm trying to say is that Laurel might appear in the series finale (whenever that may be) for whatever dumb reason the writers justify but for

LOL. A Big Bad would be asking too much but a random S5 cameo a la Drake Bell in Grandfathered would be amazing.

I mean I guess but coupled with the outside rumors Cassidy was fired and that all these random Flash,Vixen and Arrow (flashback) appearances are just a way to finish out her contract, I am pretty convinced this is the last of Laurel's living days. Maybe she will come back randomly in some strange hallucination/ghost

Hmm true the episode really did not telegraph the death well at all. I can see this death being compared to the previous ones Arrow has done- Tommy, Moria and Sara. Nobody questioned the validity of those deaths and they were a lot more emotionally harrowing. I think because they felt more real-shocking, gruesome

I'm a huge Olicity shipper and that entire scene made me cringe. Have some dignity, woman.

Oh my God I thought I was the only one who made the connection! Do all the Arrowverse writers have a madlibs book they use to write their lines?