
"A magician never reveals his secrets" (whispers *it's called plot device*)

That was driving me nuts. Why the hell did they not burn the damn thing? What POSSIBLE excuse did they have for keeping such a dangerous thing around?

Yeah I remember back when the Gossip Girl finale aired and being enraged that Nate (a character who is literally known for sleeping with every female character on the show and having the brains and looks of a 3 month old puppy) had somehow become mayor of New York City.

I am not necessarily happy that Laurel is dead (mainly because of poor, poor Detective Lance) but if SOMEBODY had to die, Laurel is by far and above the best choice.

I am all for that but Laurel led? She has improved a lot from Season 2 but still not enough to lead her own show. Caity Lotz could lead though…

I justified it to myself by imagining Felicity hearing the news and being so distraught, she literally just grabbed the first jacket she saw (maybe left out from a night going out with her mother?) and ran out the door.

"Don't look at me. My secret identity is his black driver" might just be my favorite Arrow line of all time.

I mean he won't have to bury Laurel multiple times but the sheer number of times he has had to bury Sara is absurd.

The Felicity haters online tonight are making my eye bleed. I don't understand how so many seemingly intelligent people can blame one character dying on another character WHO WAS'T EVEN ON SCREEN FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE EPISODE. Like I get Season 3 wasn't the best and that Laurel is your favorite but stop blaming

Sin was so great. She deserved to run off to sidekick with Roy or Sara instead of just disappearing into the shadows.

Her telling Oliver that he was the love of her life felt really disrespectful and disingenuous to all the Tommy/Laurel stuff that happened in S1. I guess they had to throw the Lauriver shippers a bone before they took away their fave.

It's not a fake out. Sorry.

Grrrr I normally don't complain about reviewer's episode reviews especially when I know they have a limited time frame to put them up but I really, really, wish Alasadir had the foresight to do a quick google search before publishing the review and getting people's hopes up.

….I mean it's pretty easy to check. Also, the thing about YouTube celebrities is that the age demographic is extremely important. People my age (20's tend to mix it up between YouTube and TV) while People in 30's and above tend to have no idea what YouTube is really for. But I work with a lot of high school, middle

Seriously the difference in Amell between shaven and scruff is startling. You knew Oliver/Felicity were truly meant to be together when Felicity saw that picture of Oliver clean shaven with his father and said, "You are cute". Only Love Goggles can make somebody find such an off putting look attractive.

I'll just leave this link here with another MAJOR SPOILER WARNING:

SnapChat shows? That's a thing now? That exists? Never, in my life have I felt so old and I was born in the 90's.