
There is no way Oliver is in tears over Curtis's death- who he barely knows.

Hmm good points, I definitely agree with you on the pairing being a conscious choice but not because they are trying to build Oliver/Laurel back up. It's because she is going to die (in either next week's episode or the one after the break) and building up a character and giving them lots of emotional moments before

I am so desperate for Bratva!flashbacks. Dropping the island storyline in season 4 rather than season 5 seems extremely illogical when you think about the hair and beard thing. They seem to be showing the random island lady as encouraging his darker tendencies (the entire "you have to become a monster to fight

The producers have already assured us this death us permanent so no time travel or lazarus pit shenanigans this time around. As for how I know, idk if you are a spoiler purist or not so I won't tell you unless you want to know.

Felicity totally made him during their Ivy Town vacation

Have you seen Jane the Virgin? There is a gay character on there that they show getting quiet steamy with multiple characters.

Nah, they made it a point to point out earlier this season that Curtis was extremely athletic and his comic book destiny is a super hero called Mr. Terrific (hence all the terrific puns these past few episodes) so by the time Felicity comes back, he will definitely be out in the field the way Ray was and Felicity will

Bee Man Robot existed literally because they needed Oliver to be able to fight somebody. Brie Larven isn't a fighter and he can't run super fast to fight the bees like Barry did in the Flash episode. They were a plot device, nothing more.

Lol I was so bored by that scene. Watching a fight scene with 3 people you know won't die (because Oliver is obviously alive in the present, Evil Magic Dude can't die this quickly, and Oliver hasn't boned Island Lady so she can't die yet) is extremely tedious.

It's definitely Laurel. Twitter has spoiled that much.

I just hope they don't have Curtis keep it a secret from his adorable husband, leading to contrived story lines in season 5. I groaned out loud when Curtis lied to Paul(?) at the end of the episode, enough with the unnecessary secrets already.

Don't worry, Ollie-Laurel is so far from the table it might as well be on another planet. The show has gone out of the way to acknowledge that they are ancient history. While Laurel's role could have been easily replaced by Diggle in this episode, my theory is that with the Andy twist, next episode will be Diggle

I was actually expecting the guy in the car Malcolm was talking to to be Reiter (boring magic guy from the flashbacks) and I was like, "Oh no, do I actually have to start paying attention to the flashbacks now?". I was pleasantly surprised by the Andy reveal but wow, Diggle is not having a good week.

Does anybody care about the flashbacks? Like a single person?

Seriously, what was up with that? At least Lair 1.0 (Verdant) had a passcode…

Agree with most of the review, but Alasdair was dead wrong with his eventual Laruiver reunion theory.

Agreed. Maybe Brooker was really sent back from the future to warn us about an impending Trump presidency
…And, his plan failed because it wasn't on Netlfix yet and subsequently a negligible amount of Americans watched it.

Right? I just made that comment now. It's even scarier now that he is on the path to win the Republican nomination. Downright frightening especially with the bit with Waldo telling the crowd to throw shoes-Trump encourages violence at this rallies all the time. I AM SO SCARED

Oh my god you guys, watching this episode in 2016 is freaking terrifying. Literally replace the word "Waldo" with "Trump" and get rid of the animated blue bear bit and this is the 2016 PRESIDENTIAL election (in America) word for word even down to the crowds of ardent supporters rioting.. Is Brooker psychic?

That Mack scene made me chop onions so hard. Those 3 really killed that scene.