
Right? If the show kills him off, I will start a revolt.

This episode just reaffirmed how much I love this show and the Jane/Micheal pairing. They are one of the most realistic pairings on television: they compromise on things that are important to the other- Micheal on not being far away from Rafael and Jane on not accepting Rafael's money (which given their history, is a

Definitely Cosima for me. I never got over Alison low key murdering an innocent mother of 2 even if she was a bitch.

Good Lord, if Good Wife ends with Alicia and Peter together after all the shit he has pulled, that would go down as one of the most depressing finales in television history,

Look at you, trying to apply logic to the unholy mess that is The Good Wife's final season. I would laugh but I am too busy crying. What happened to this (once great) show?

I loved the repeated references to Henry having 2 mothers (and how smoothly they seemed to have adapted to co-parenting) and the Captain Swan kiss. Everything else seemed like tedious filler).

Yeah, I was going to say-the original trailer is definitely not good but the one good thing was Bethany Joy Lenz. She was consistently the best thing about One Tree Hill and I am pretty bummed out she missed out on a Shonda show especially since Ben's girlfriend/boss is the one part I didn't like about the pilot.

Larry Wilmore interviewed African American Trump supporters on the Nightly Show the other night. It blew my mind.

Your slavery argument really doesn't hold ground here. NO HUMAN BEING (which I am sorry but until it is viable, a fetus is NOT) is actually adversely affected by abortion or gay marriage being legal the way people are when slavery was.

The even more amusing thing about that statement is that there is no if about it. Abortion and gay marriage ARE legal. And yet, I have yet to hear a single case of somebody being forced to get an abortion or marry somebody of the same gender. These people boggle my mind.

I feel like the Daily Show's take on Trump vs Cruz did it the best. One is like a blood clot that might kill you at any moment but might not, the other is like bone cancer that will definitely kill you but at least you know it's coming.

Yeah I was all for Laurel to go back to lawyer-ing (imo something she does much better than being BC) but at the very least the
Darkh's lawyer could have pointed out the obvious conflict of interest even if the judge shoots it down.

I am dying-this is amazing. Didn't think there were a lot of CEG and Arrow fans out there :)

Well said. People who are giving Felicity a hard time need to take a step back and realize how much shit she has been dealing with WHILE running a multi billion dollar company. Girl needs a break.

Oh wow now I feel even worse because, while I have had my fair share of dumb white questions that every POC has in America, I always took for granted that I could always commiserate with my Indian friends later or go to the Indian stores in Edison and be like-"yep this is basically just like India" whenever I felt

That Rogelio-Jane moment was everything and made up for the somewhat lackluster (by JTV's high standards) episode. And the Rogelio-Michael friendship. Freaking love their bromance and hope it is explored more in the remainder of the season. I am actually surprised Rogelio didn't immediately embrace Michael as his

Don't think so. We know that is the real reason and Michael probably told them that privately but there is now way Jane the diplomat would bring that up to his parents. What exactly would rehashing all the bad things Michael did while they were in a relationship to his parents do other than turn them even more against

Maybe my #TeamMichael bias is showing here, but I can totally understand if not agree with his parents POV. All they will see is Jane dumping their son even though he was willing to raise another man's baby and immediately hooking up with another guy.

I highly doubt it was six hours, but the writers definitely spent more time than necessary creating elaborate write-ups for the motivations and back stories for all the (name-less in the actual episode) characters in the play.

As I South Asian in Central Jersey which is basically Indian Central (seriously, my neighborhood is 90% brown) I am so sorry.