
Yeah, I appreciate the pregnancy for plot reasons but really bummed out over character development reasons. Belle as a character has so much potential but lately she is just used as a plot device to motivate Rumple to do something.

The way Milah straight out asked a flustered Emma, "So you have been with both my ex-lover AND my child?" made me love her instantly and forget that she is a shitty mom (and indifferent grandmother). Talk about the opposite of Belle (who I actually like as a character but always seems to become intolerable when she

As annoying as Cam and Mitch's plot was, the Lilly line where she ditches her dancing parents to go to a random Asian family and says, "if anyone asks, I am with you" made me laugh pretty hard.

The fact that Luke and Manny got into the car, drove it to the computer store and back without noticing Joe in the back was ridiculous for me. Does Manny not look at the rearview mirror once when he drives? How did this kid get a license?

Pregnant women should simply not drive in television shows. Every time they do, something awful happens.

Watch The Americans!!! On the best of list and as a fan of Fargo, I am pretty sure it will help with your withdrawal :)

Americans is SO GOOD. I am so sick of people waxing on and on about Breaking Bad and Mad Men when this show takes the elements of greatness those two shows have and elevates them to a whole new level.

I really love how nuanced and three dimensional all the characters on this show are.

You basically perfectly summed up all my issues with the episode…lol Kalinda Jr. Well done.

This episode honestly had me googling the show's wikipedia page to make sure I hadn't missed an episode before this-THAT'S how much they were blowing up the Eli/Courtney thing. I honestly thought that I blanked out and missed the episode where they had a year long courtship or spent a romantic weekend in a cabin

It was great to see Lily again but the age gap between the actor and the character is getting a bit noticeable…the actress is approaching 9 and the character is supposed to be 7 so it was pretty jarring to see her acting childish and riding Joe's bike.

If this is the top, good lord am I terrified of what this show will be like when ABC is "running it into the ground"

Any Crazy Ex Girlfriend fans here?

I didn't even think about that but yeah it's REALLY strange they didn't ask Ray for help. If Ray had time to help the team save Andy, surely he had time this episode. I hope they explain it somehow during the LoT pilot…

I found a comparison of Fry and Dale and it might just be my natural Fry bias talking but I don't understand why people love Dale so much? His Voldemort is ridiculous, I can't take him seriously…

Has anybody who has listened to both Dale and Fry have an opinion on both? I am listening to Fry and really enjoying it, I had no idea another (British) person did the audiobooks…

Order has always been my favorite- I don't understand why everyone hates it so much. Part of the appeal of Harry Potter is how rich and detailed JK Rowling's world is.

Robert, while he may have been a terrible husband, is a far better father than Malcolm ever was based on two simple facts
1) He raised her
2) At no point did he drug her for his own personal agenda.

Yeah that has been bugging me. Has she already forgotten that he drugged her and forced her into killing her friend? Just because Sara is alive again for spin off purposes doesn't make it okay.

I was thinking that but then wouldn't Oliver be saddled into full time fatherhood? I really don't see how they can work Oliver going to PTA meetings and helping with math homework into this show…