
First time I laughed since seeing that absolutely traumatizing scene with Felicity (even though I know it's a fake out). Thanks :)

That convo with Laurel was TOTAL foreshadowing.

She won't die:

Don't worry she won't die, the timeline doesn't add up, Barry doesn't look nearly sad enough at Felicity dying and there have been several posts and images of Emily filming.

I need to learn to scroll before commenting…whole heartedly agree! Also I was practically screaming at Barry to JUST TELL HER when he was talking her down from killing Weather Wizard. IT WAS THE PERFECT MOMENT. Ugh

Yeah, I am SUPER glad they didn't go down the old tired…now Iris is the one who is jealous of Barry, borrowed from Friends and a gazillion other shows route this season.

Didn't the writers promise us a same sex love story this season? When do we get to start shipping Mulan/Ruby???

Considering the writers' unhealthy obsession with making everyone related, I spent half the finale terrified that kid!Liam would ridiculously end up being one of the Scoobie gang (which one would it be? Robin Hood? Belle's father? A dwarf?) so I was extremely relieved that the writers didn't go there.

I actually thought they weren't really HID, just some guys pretending to be them? If not, why else did it look like the FBI was arresting them afterwards?

Micheal Rosenbaum was just so great. Every time I watch that trailer and I see Eisenberg!Luthor, my brain wants to mentally replace him with Rosenbaum. Dude was amazing as Luthor and seriously underrated.

I wish they gave her a line but yeah…I was practically sleeping during Man of Steel…Wonder Woman is literally my only motivation in showing up-she better have more screen time than that trailer indicated.

I find it really strange that the Batman v Superman trailer was on Kimmel. Civil War makes perfect sense to me because it's on ABC which is owned by Disney which also owns Marvel Studios. But why on Earth would Warner Bros drop it on their biggest rival's network? Why not Colbert's show since it's on CBS? (which I

I really thought this was the finale until Vikram mentioned that there would be another episode. Something about the combo of the pregnancy reveal, the Edgar and Dorothy moving together and "You stayed" set to that song made it feel very season finale worthy.

I also laughed at the fact that Felicity said, "this will take a while to play because we live in a digital world now", walks over to the laptop and literally plays it 30 seconds later. LOL what? Why even bother including that line if you are going to pull that shit

I feared that too but this episode definitely establishes how strong the Barry/Felicity friendship is. No way he would miss her funeral and look so stoic at her grave.

The Flarrow Team is probably thanking their lucky stars that Savage attacked so they would have an excuse to avoid Felicity's cooking…

Which is also what the Smallville writers did with Lois which made their eventual relationship much more earned and organic. Instead they went the puppy lovesick route with Barry and Iris in the same way the writers did with Lana and Clark which just didn't work

I really hope you are right. That newspaper from the future from last season with the Iris West-Allen byline is discouraging though…

Dig's brother that came back from the dead last episode

I wouldn't go so far to say he is the BEST (the actresses for Simmons, Fitz and May are just so freaking amazing) but Dalton has really improved leaps and bounds when they turned him into a villain. He was clearly never destined to play a hero