
Yeah that actress was really flat…I found the actor for Hawkman more interesting even though he had significantly less lines/screen time. Hopefully she gets better in Legends

As I mentioned before, I fear that the writers are keeping Barry's identity a secret from Patty so they have a contrived reason to break them up in the mid season finale in favor of (barf) Barry/Iris pair.

As I mentioned before, I fear that the writers are keeping Barry's identity a secret from Patty so they have a contrived reason to break them up in the mid season finale in favor of (barf) Barry/Iris pair.

I would love to see Iris hit on Oliver in tomorrow's episode (since she totally had a crush on him last year) now that she is single and have Oliver be oblivious and Felicity be totally jealous

They seriously dropped that Andy plot though…Are we to believe he is just chilling in a cage somewhere in Arrow cave and nobody has encountered him? Also, considering the entire Arrow crew is ditching the Arrow cave for tomorrow's episode, that seems particularly unsafe. Who is going to guard crazy!Andy? Det. Lance?

The Patty thing is ridiculous. It's like the writers didn't anticipate how much chemistry/fan support the Barry/Patty pairing would have so now they are holding off on Barry telling her so they have an absolutely contrived reason for them to break up paving the way for (groan) the unavoidable chemistry-less semi

That would have been SO MUCH better. Jesus was never a very compelling character but his death would have a devastating emotional impact and made the vast majority of season 3A much more interesting (instead of Callie and Brandon do dumb shit: Part 3)

He wasn't really "fired" the first time, more like demoted from detective to officer work (I think) after they found out he let Nadine go.

My life would be complete if this happened.

Right?? Coming from a family who routinely forgets to set up the Christmas tree until Christmas eve, I would like to live in this magical fully decorated gorgeous tree appearing world…

I actually normally have a very strict no non chocolate dessert policy but I really enjoy snickerdoodles. Don't let the bad ones ruin your experiences!

I watched that Fosters episode and actually, I am not sure how much that episode counts since in that case, the woman had the abortion only because she was told that she would have a very high increased risk of danger to her life if she went through with the pregnancy and she decided she didn't want to put her 5 other

I really hated how much time the show spent on their friendship last season and now they barely acknowledge each other

I was more bothered by the lack of condoms than the lack of pads/tampons. They don't spend a lot of time on the food situation but the assumption is there is not a lot of food and Jemma ate it sparingly, That type of extreme malnutrition of throws a woman's cycle off and I am assuming she definitely did not get her

That would have been dark. Too dark for ABC family friendly Tuesday nights. Marvel saves that type of mind fuckery for it's Netflix shows (I assume, I only watched the first two episodes of Daredevil)

Fantastic line, and Forte delivered it SO WELL. I literally paused the screen to laugh and I hated Phil's character all of season one. Kristen Schaal is the only reason I came back this season but Phil has been so much better this season, that line being a great example.

Phil's fake story was great although I will say, they kind of glossed over the seriousness of what Todd did. Considering the hints of how dire the food situation is, those 42 packs of bacon would literally be a life saver and hoarding it the way they did seems pretty atrocious (and what did they go through 40 in a

Oh man that summer camp one freaked me out so much. The first time I realized a writer could be evil enough to leave a cliff hanger on the very last line with no intent on resolving it…

Think you mean Martin (he is the older one who was watching TV with his grandfather and getting the stomach attacks) but yeah head cannon accepted :p

As somebody who was routinely mocked for wearing bindis or any sort of Indian clothes when I was younger, it always bugs me when other, non Indian, usually light skinned people get to wear those stuff as fashion accessories. Plus there was a Hindu idol RIGHT THERE.