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    What a time to be alive.

    Donald Trump creates a cliffhanger when he invites his best friend, Donald Trimp, to come and debate for him.

    Stop reading my fanfiction before I publish it.

    You dumbocrats will do anything for free health care.

    It's hard work summoning Reagan from the dead.

    The secret for success as a Community cast member is to star in a terrible multi camera show behind an even bigger terrible multi camera show.

    I remember George Lucas talked about how R2 and C3PO always survive. He's talked a few times about how he considers R2 to be the true star of Star Wars.

    You can download them online if you don't want to buy them.

    You guys should read the Darth Vader Marvel comic while we're talking about Star Wars. They do a fantastic parallel of Luke finding out about his father, and they make use of the prequel in a great way.

    I was just about to make that comment. That would be a great ending.

    I thought it was the movie they killed for the Han Solo anthology. It was either that or the Seven Samurai movie that got killed.

    It's too bad they killed the Boba Fett movie. That was actually half of the premise. They kill off the whiny Boba Fett from the prequels, then the movie shows how it's a legacy people would murder each other over.

    The rumors for his character have included EVERYTHING. Depending on when you ask, he's
    1) A Jedi
    2) A Sith
    3) Just a normal old guy
    4) BOBA FETT

    From what I've been reading, they can't seem to figure out what they wanted to do with Luke. There was like three scripts where they kept going back and forth on his character.

    Yeah, everybody just wanted to keep copying the style but create bigger and bigger. He would have been a great 7-9 villain, which I think was the original idea at some point with Lucas. Then he just became the groundwork for the EU universe and it snowballed into Emperor clones and aliens from outside the universe


    Hopefully Chewie doesn't get murdered by a planet again.

    My biggest problem with the movie is how the ending of episode 6 feels meaningless. I want the Jedi to be back. I want Luke to have that awesome wife from the extended universe, instead of whoever he is supposed to be in this.