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    That's a crazy theory. My theory is the movie will be better than good. Gooder.

    It's still so crazy to think this is actually happening. I kept expecting Lucasfilms to go "we need another six months to make this good." I'm going to need to rewatch this trailer another seven times to figure out what I'm seeing.

    Has he ever made a character people like? Nova sucks and Red Hulk led to some awful character destruction.

    I did like their premise for season seven, where the cast is just a bunch of zombies who hang out and argue over things.

    I think the bulk of it, like 95% of it, is on Marvel Unlimited. It's mostly an issue or two that isn't on there. Like, I ran into a problem where you'd have Guardians of the Galaxy 23 up, but not 24. Anything that's not up, you could just fill in the gaps by buying or getting from websites.

    Yeah, what was up with that? He just shows up in the cosmic events as the wacky scientist guy who is good. Even when he's evil, he's still not actually evil, because it's all part of the secret plan.

    I'm surprised Phyla-Vell has been dead for like five years. I liked what she brought to the team.

    I really like how it built off the Death of Captain Marvel too. It's too bad Marvel would rather push the new Nova than use Richard. This version is far superior.

    I finally finished reading that huge collection of Cosmic Marvel. Everything from Annihilation through The Thanos Imperative was fantastic. That was an incredibly amazing ending and I love how the final story arc was inspired so heavily by Cthulhu.

    I think it's actually one of the most cancelled shows in modern TV.

    I love the first guy in the comments who thinks Captain America fought socialists.

    I remember a huge thing when Superman renounced his American citizenship too.

    I assume the Family Guy manatees got new jobs.

    Somebody got paid to write this.

    I think the show averages about three good episodes a season. I'd love another Holidays of Future Passed though. Not a sequel, but an episode on that quality level.

    I'd be careful not to mock kangaroos. They will fuck you up.

    The NRA really needs to learn how to format a sentence.