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    See it everyday and make the production company wonder why this one theater has such a constant viewing rate.

    Because you waited too long and it's over now.

    I still love that NBC backed away from the original premise of the show. Like Welcome To The Family, the original idea was some hacky view of race. They got scared and just went generic hang out.

    I'm waiting for Truth Be Told.

    I don't think cake is good for Wilford Brimley cat.

    NBC is having a lower rated Thursday than last year when they were showing A To Z and Bad Judge.

    It's probably too late now, but, it would have been amazing to set up Hercules with Thor 3.

    They have like three different characters they could set up for Thor if they need to.

    They'll just make every one of them a Batman movie, building up to the Batman League of Justice.

    That's not funny. Weed can fuck you up.

    Fantastic Fuck.

    So, going by what Variety and Hollywood Reporter are saying, it looks like Hulk will be in Thor: Ragnarok. Considering the rumors showing up around the movie, it sounds like it'll have a pretty interesting cast. There's pretty strong rumors about Valkyrie and Thanos showing up. I like the idea of it being some kind

    That sounds like a sting operation.

    Or the sequel, F4ntastic 4-2.

    That sounds like a dating show from the 70s.

    I know trains are the best. Anybody who thinks otherwise is dumb. It's just amusing to me how much of it was just that train. I've never seen a movie, that wasn't related to trains, have so much time dedicated to it. All train chases in future should have sword fights on the roof. That should be the new law.

    In The Seven-Per-Cent Solution, they must have really loved that steam engine they borrowed. Of the last 30 minutes, like 20 was dedicated to that REALLY good train chase.

    Their weird relationship makes more sense when you realize George Bush, somehow, got a mistress in DC in the 80s. I get the money and power, but, you still have to listen to him talk. You still have to look at his face.

    Too mean.

    It's all really frustrating and stupid when you realize half of George Bush's presidency was just trying to finish what his dad started. It's the ultimate "LOOK AT ME NOW DAD."