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    I love watching 1990 Dick Cheney talk about why taking out Saddam would be a terrible thing that would destabilize a region.

    So, which Bush family member is the worst at this point?

    At this point, the Bush family is just trying to out limbo each other.

    I love seeing Jeb use it as a serious part of his campaign though. Donald Trump has sucked all the air out of the room, so he's scrambling to find something to jump start his campaign.

    I prefer Reaganopolis, has a better sound to it.

    Let's just call them the Washington Reagans. That'll make everybody happy, right?

    I guess his hope is that nobody will have children so he can keep all the diapers to himself.

    Is he one of those Family Values politicians?

    Am I allowed to post cat gifs, or is there a special lockdown on that area?

    The way Marvel chopped the rights up is really interesting on its own. Fox and Sony own the movie rights, but Marvel owns a good portion of TV rights. Marvel just can't do anything with them, because they'd want to tie it into the MCU. Without being able to do that, they have no reason to do any kind of X-Men show.

    I had a quick look up at last year's Marvel activity. Around this time last year, the Spider-Man in the MCU rumor started swirling. And, at that time, we were told "Sony and Marvel have come to no agreement, Sony will continue on by their own." I'd expect to find out about the Fantastic Four by, at the latest,

    Marvel owns the TV rights.

    Just make it an alternate timeline. He chases the villain into a time portal and they transport back to like Camelot. They beat the shit out of each other throughout time as they slowly destroy and warp time, culminating with the final battle being inside a black hole as the universe collapses in on itself.

    Honestly, that would be the best anti action movie ever. Just 99 minutes of a normal day. Maybe one or two tense moments, but just a normal day. As the movie goes on, the audience gets more and more excited, thinking the BIG set piece of the movie will show up.

    Aren't all 70s New York cops already gritty?

    Maybe you confused it with the godawful Bones/Sleepy Hollow crossover.

    And now the character is over at CW, where he should have been from the start.

    How did NBC get it anyway? The reason they rebooted Heroes was because nobody would give them any table scraps.

    There's no way it's getting a sequel. Terminator is being put on ice and that made more money domestically and internationally. It's just PR speak so people see the movie. Warner Brothers was doing the same thing about Green Lantern up until the DVD release.