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    I finished reading War of Kings. Whenever they do the Inhumans movie, they need to bring that level of Black Bolt. Holy shit that was awesome. Vulcan sucks though.

    Jonathan A. Greenblatt, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, responded in a statement that Carson “has a right to his views on gun control, but the notion that Hitler’s gun-control policy contributed to the Holocaust is historically inaccurate.” He added that “gun control did not cause the Holocaust;

    They can't all be Michael J. Fox.

    For a guy who works on brains, Ben Carson is pretty stupid.

    I just learned my new favorite Marlon Brando trivia. Apparently, in his later years, he would go onto internet chat rooms and troll everybody to see an argument break out.

    Now folks, I'm just a simple country senator. I don't know too much about these 'filibusters' that the liberals want us to use. I'm just a simple senator who likes his words simple and his country good and honest.

    They could have done a show where it's one long speech. At the end of episode one, it cuts out. At the beginning of episode two, we get the next part of the speech. It wouldn't need to be that long of a speech, since it won't last past episode three.

    I just say Merry Happy.

    Run out the clock until syndication.

    Jokes on you, my parents only got married because of me.

    You don't have to yell, I can hear you.

    Chops busted, fellow adult.

    But then you have to pay money on something you might hate.

    Illegally download it. You get to watch it for free and watch it bomb.

    Somebody pulled the fire alarm as a prank in one of the buildings. It's just this high pitched constant whine and it's driving ALL THE DOGS crazy. It's like a chorus of dogs from an orchestra I don't want to hear.

    Everybody should do it at once and see who does it better.

    I think Marvel sees the potential for growth. This movie has a better profit ratio than most of the movies, it's like top three, and Marvel likely sees that Ant-Man has the potential to take off like Captain America did. If they do the Hawkeye/Ant-Man arrow scene, he could end up being the big draw of the movie.

    I am very excited for the Ant-Man sequel.

    This episode has one of my favorite bloopers in the show's run.

    And even their Sunday block is terrible without football. The Simpsons got a 1.5 last week. Brooklyn Nine-Nine got a 0.9 back in March.