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    I'm so excited to see it. Kevin Feige specifically said he wants the movie to look acid trippy like the comics.

    On a happier Marvel note

    Classic Fox.

    It's like James Gunn. He wrote Guardians of the Galaxy. Before that, he wrote those terrible 2000s Scooby Doo movies.

    How will I quote Don Quixote then?

    I've heard that Reed even had things working at a faster pace than Marvel had scheduled for. He kept things on time and everybody was relaxed and had fun. And he wrote those fun telephone bits, so he gets a plus for that.

    Only one leash? Somebody's looking for a citation.

    It would be nice to see a superhero movie unafraid to have a relationship like that, but I can't imagine a Fantastic Four movie would be the place to break that ground. We've got Jessica Jones coming up, so why is it so bad to flip it?

    My big problem was, why only one? Why can't Sue be black too? If they're changing so much of the movie, why only go halfway?

    If the movie was good, a lot of it would be like Ant-Man. Sure, it had a bumpy production history, but it managed to create something good. Instead, Fox took this movie into the editing bay and killed it.

    I think it's an Elliot in Scrubs season 5 type thing. Just split from the group for a few episodes, then brought back to the main cast by Christmas.

    Aww, now it's back up to 12%.

    I wonder if the movie will be close enough for Fantastic 4%. And I'm wondering if this will be enough to turn this into a Pixels or Terminator box office flop.

    Can I go now?

    Bow tie still hates Jon Stewart. It's adorable.

    I loved everything about the Mike Huckabee Writer's Strike stuff.

    Look at me, making reference to commenting in a comment section about a TV show. This is high concept humor right here.

    Kevin should have come out on his own terms.