
Fair enough!

Well for one thing, I hear it's a little more loyal to the book. And that's always a good thing to me.

Love that! Also:

So you're telling me a remake/re-imagining of a book that's been twice turned into a movie isn't "new"? SHOCKED.

I would like to thank The Dark Knight Rises for finally, for the first time ever, making me feel genuinely worried about the hero. Every other super hero movie for me has been about not "if" the hero will escape/recover but "when"…I just don't find any thrill/worry in it. Seeing Bruce Wayne struggle in that pit

Great minds and all that…

Two favorite random moments from Murray in Rushmore

Fuck it! I'm building it anyway!


Did they draw straws to decide who got to prop their foot on the TV in that picture?

Yeahhhhhhhhh…AV Club's comments on sporting events are never exactly accurate or witty…

"Everyone is different. There are not two people not on fire."

Salad flavored potato chips-for those don't want to ACTUALLY eat a salad!


Take a shot for every time after a South Park episode airs and someone says something to the effect of "I'm done watching this show, it sucks."

Reading the review later…but dropped in to see the grade, as this was set up to be either great or shit…total hit or miss. Glad it's the former.

Even if you hate Bill Hader, you have to kind of like his Julian Assange:

Her breasts?

Thirdly, since I'm commenting as I watch…this is the episode that should get Howerton that damn Emmy!

Also, Dee's accent was the perfect amount of horrible.