
Seeing Rex again was pretty funny…

Without any spoilers, I'd just like to point out something I thought of today (saw the movie last night): This film was great example of using the same amazing technology as Avatar to make a film that was emotionally involved and intriguing, rather than just a pretty picture. Avatar was so paint by numbers, it was

Agreed! He floating on her back and drifting absolutely made sense. I think she even struggled to grab that fistful of mud when she made it to shore. It really is a well-thought out movie!

I love that the Russians are, in a way, the villains.

Clever ending…I was ready to get nerdy about her being able to escape the pod and swim up, given the fact that your body takes a while to get used to the Earth's gravity again. And then I realized that you're weightless in water, and astronauts in fact train in pools.

News about Justified, delivered by O'Neal. Well, my week just peaked already!

I'd like to propose a show that's a high school dramedy where all the kids in the school are famous for having paranormal powers. Carrie can be there, and the Rainmaker from Looper

I thought they might have him disappear to eventually die from the cancer-glad they didn't go that route.

I've seen it!

Walt dies with his son and sister-in-law hating him and his wife never quite forgiving him, and he still feels guilt for the death of his brother-in-law. But yes, a safe crowd pleaser.

Good question! When Jesse did walk in I immediately thought "He's gonna have to find a way to get/tell Jesse to get down without exposing the plan…"

The lady and I watched all of season 5 this weekend. After Ozymandias she was freaking out a little, even was unsure about whether or not she could keep watching. I said "No way it can get worse than that episode…"

Too busy making Eggs Tyrone!

My girlfriend, who told me she has never once cried during/after a movie or TV show, admitted to me she was about to cry when Walt said goodbye to Holly.

Goddamn, I can't wait to read this thoroughly. Thank you for this feature, AV Club, because in my mind, Sam Rockwell is the most underrated actor working today!

I've been watching these in the morning before work-they've also been showing original Scooby-Doo.

I've never told anyone this…but I can suck my own dick. And I do it. A lot.

"Hi Andy, I didn't know you were gonna be here!"

I was laughing so hard during Charlie and Dee's video that I almost had to pause. B-? I gave it an A- myself!

Now his secret is that he likes to dress in woman's clothing and hang around in bars!